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Darks POV

I wake up to a cold flooring feeling like im watched. I sit up looking to the side seeing a leaf with berries and water i ate some while looking around. Not caring for my insticts i let it go. The last thing i remembered was being pinned by that very cute looking dragon. I felt cold looking around seeing where i was.... It was a cave.I also felt like i was being watched. I turn around to see the dragon come into the cave carring something in his mouth, i quickly got on all fours growling. "Relax cutie i aint gonna hurt you." The dragon spoke to me as if he new what i was thinking. "Why did you bring me here??"i said to him, " simple you seemed tired and weak...i..thought sense your a wolf there must be hunters out looking for you issume cuz of all those cuts and scars on you..so you can stay here for abit till the hunters are gone" he said with a nervous voice.
I smiled going over to him hugging him as his face flushed red like a cherry i kiss his cheek "thanks" i felt his smile appear from behind me as he hugs me back. A few hours pass learning about his pass. He asks about mine i never answered cuz its to horrid to mention. I started thinking about it gripping my fists crying unaware him approching me,he comes from behind me and hugs me tightly reassuring the fact that im safe now.

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