Chapter 12: Percy

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, you seem very close with Jason" He said pointedly. But either, Leo had never noticed it, ebcasue he answered him happily.

"Yeah, we are pretty close together, he is my best, and will always be mine. He is just so nice, you know, with everybody else, like just ask him a favor and he will help you in any way that he can, and even sometimes where he would just notice you and would ask if you were okay or something. He would always be that friend"

"Oh yeah" He only said.

"That what I wouldn't know, I can't seem why you have a feud with, I know that it can with that some of Zues' and Poseidon, but Jason is always nice, just give him sometime and you will be as close as we are"

"I would consider it" He said, Leo only looked at him. But he wasn't able to rumble again because he already entered the hall. Immediately, like Leo as had forgotten, and being ADHD, he came to room searching for things, opening drawers. Then he noticed, he wasn't looking for his hammer and nails.

"Uhm. Leo, the hammer and nails?" He asks.

"Oh yeah, yeah. Sorry, I had just this brilliant invention. Anyway, I think Jase is still around" he called "Jason!" and Jason answered back. Damn, he is here, this was the last thing he wanted to happen in the day.

"Yeah I would want to give it you personally but I really need to fix it, and pee"" Jase can you assist me!!" he called. OH NO

"Yeah, sure Leo" he answered, and just before Jason came out he announces.

"Give Percy he wanted, I'll go now. Byeee!!!!"

Then just he saw Jason came out, standing before him. He was wearing his violet SPQR shirt, and his faded jeans, that seemed to have fitted to him. It was only looking good when he was the person who wear. Then he just realized that Jason had a fitted body, white pale skin that had already been tanned with the sun exposure. For the first time, he really thinks that he was handsome, especially with his electric blue eyes, under his glasses that had loosened which he seemed to want to place back to his eyes.

"Hey" Percy greeted awkwardly as he scratched the back of his head. Percy would've want another way to but locking eyes with Jason having some cloud on his eyes as he saw him, just stops him do it. It feels like he had done something wrong and he doesn't want it to stay that way. Whatever it is that he doesn't seem to know. He didn't did do it on purpose.

Jason was the one who first broke the eye contact.

"What do you need?" Jason asked as he move back to the room. Being off is clearly seen on his voice.

"A hammer and some nails" He said shortly. Clearly, there was something off. Jason didn't said harsh words to him, that he would commonly reciprocate. Or where he was the one who would start it. He saw Jason moved around the room, opening drawers looking for it.

Just the first time again, he wants to know what was wrong, why is he being like this. He is not used to this kind of situations, and he immediately feel saddened about the whole as sees Jason. Percy only stares at him.

"Here" handles the hammer. And continue looking for the nails.

"Jason" He said as he see Jason going back to one the drawers.

"What?" He answered, he didn't respond now, he doesn't know what to say.

"Here are the nails, would this be enough" Jason handles it to him. Their fingers touched, and he felt a small spark.

"Yeah," They locked.

"Okay" He said like a whisper before turning his head, and going back outside. Tears starts to build to Percy. He broke it.

"Thanks Jace" He said like a whisper, but surely he knows Jason could hear it, even when it nearly to nothing. Hear it Jason, hear my apology. When he was nearly go when he heard a whisper, Jason spoke again turning to him.

"You were never really coming, do you?" He Jason asked. What?

"I've already said yes." He said locking eyes with him again.

"You were only forced to" He said quite stubborn, as he looked sideways.

"I'm not"

"Only when it was Annabeth who asked you, you agreed" He said, and for a very short moment he seemed to hear that there was hurt on his voice. What? I would always want to come Jason, it's just

"Why, you wouldn't even ask me, it was Leo" He argued, remembering it was just actually Leo he said it. Not him, so doesn't really know if he wants him in or not. He thought stubbornly

"Because you would've said no" Jason said. Yes, maybe physically but no, he would have want to come, in his mind.

"No!, but, it doesn't matter because you wouldn't have asked me anyway" He lashed out at the same time, looking away from Jason

"what?" Jason suddenly asked, as he was also surprised of what he did himself. Maybe he also want Percy to be actually part of it,

"Nothing!" Percy narrowed and tried to himself. Who would he just let that out. And almost try to run but something made him stay and froze him to stay still on his place.

"Percy can you come to the sleepover with me?" Jason asks him, and he looks straightly in the eyes. Like the way the ocean and the sky would suddenly clear out calmly at the very same time. Heart but over his body, and he felt a sudden heat on his body.

"what?, yeah, of course, I'll go with you" He answered. Why does he feels like there was something more on what they had just conversed to.

"Yeah" Jason grinned at him.

"yeah, Finding Nemo" he smiled back.

"see yeah"

"See yea" And he just walk out of the room smiling, he doesn't know why, but until he was in his room, he was grinning and he felt very happy. 


So what could happen on the sleep over? hmm

Anyway, I hope you liked it too. Just comment for a dedication :) Btw, thank you those who added this story to their reading lists, it really appreciate it :)

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All the Jercy love!!!!!!



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