Chapter 12: Percy

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Okay, so yesterday, I would have really wanted to update, but even I fell asleep while studying in the evening. It was sad, but I am so happy that all my exams are finally over.

And I like this chapter, well the end part of it. I think that it was kind of cute, and even I, as I was rereading it. My heart just skipped a beat. UGHHHH, Jercy love. 

So here :)


The repair of the camp had been better in the past days, it felt like it was almost camp again, but more free from the danger outside. Either way, Percy felt better with all. After bringing apples for Black Jack on the stable, he came back to his room.

Well, it was all his common room in its common arrangement. There were scattered clean and dirty shirts on the floor, with rappers of his junk food. He found some drachma as well, and there were underwear on his bed. He looked at his closet and everything was deranged. All normal. He sighed, he tried picking up his clothes for laundry groaning. Why can he just let all his things float around so it would be easier. 'Bet Jason do it casually' He though, damn Jason for not inviting him to his little party, damn Jason for being Jason, he sighed again.

After getting all the dirty laundry, he placed it on his table. But surprisingly the table give in, and everything with at fall apart. 'Oh yea' he thought. One time when had a bad dream and he was holding anaklusmus were he suddenly click it and it turned to full length sword it was able to cut a leg of the table. Due to his laziness sometimes, he just placed the let back without even hammering it, just so it would stand again, even without stability.

He sighed once more, maybe this was the time where he had to fixed it, since that he had already picked his laundry as well. So, he came out his room and went to Leo, he surely knows that he have some hammer and nails. He would have went to the big house to ask too, but he doesn't want to see Mr. D. He came to the Hephaestus the Hephaestus cabin, only that he found there Calypso.

She looked beautiful as ever. She was dressed simple, but you can sense the radiant of her beautiful, and accentuating the room. Leo was lucky for her, and he was happy to know that they have found each other for company. But, it still occurred to him, his biggest what if in the world. To be honest, he liked her once in that island.

"Hello Percy" She said.

"Is Leo around?" He asked

"Well, not really, but he is in the ship"

"Oh okay, thanks" He said shortly before leaving. Damn, what would have she thought of him. Being left around by Annabeth. Neither around, she didn't bother him much, because of two reason, because he doesn't really talked much to her when they arrived a month ago, and he was bothered more by the bromance and clinging of Leo with Jason. Yes, he doesn't really like Jason that much, as he believes or as he tells himself at least. But, Jason alone if annoying, but with Leo also around him very closely as they laughed, and bromance is even more irritating.

He came to the ship and found Leo going to the ship.

"Hey Percy" Leo greets him. "What can I do to you?" He adds as he places a hand over his shoulder. Like the way he always did with Jason and everybody.

"Hey Leo, can I borrow a hammer and some nails, my table seems to broke."

"Yeah, sure I have it on the deck" "By the way, I am so glad that you were going to the sleep, at some point, I thought we weren't because of your feud with Jason but you did. It would be every, and I would love to watch finding Nemo for the fifth time with your request" Leo rumbles, like always as they went along the hall.

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