Skylar & Luna Trowbridge

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Logan will come in the next chapter where he will rescue the girls and takes them in as his own kids after Skylar gets checked out  

"Hello name is Skylar Trowbridge and i have a baby sister named Luna" Skylar says 

"Skylar get in here it is time for your daily punishment you royal brat of a child" the dad says as he hollers for the two year old to come to him cause she never does nothing wrong at all he just abuses her in anyway he sees fit to do so  

Skylar knew what was coming and she runs as fast as she could to the basement where her safe place was and he could not get her and he could punish her 

"I'm back and i got more booze darling" the mom says as she comes into the house after she went to the state store to get the father some more liquor for the night since she had to go out and get more drugs for her craving so she could feel something  

"Perfect let's go since Skylar went and hid from me like a coward she is and she will always will be" the dad says as he went to get some more liquor cause they were going to celebrate in the shed behind the house away from the kids cause they were old enough to care for themselves

Skylar waited until the coast was cleared to go up and check on her baby sister who was awake by now and was not happy at all and she knew she was going to need to be changed and fed once again and Skylar could not do that part if taking care of her baby sister cause she was very fragile and she needed grown-up to take care of her so Skylar was going to get one of the next door neighbors to come and help her take care of her baby sister   

"Okay Luna I'm coming" Skylar says as she heard her baby sister wake up from her short slumber and she needed fed and changed again 

Skylar tried her best to pick her up so she knew she was going to need help with her being smaller then a usual newborn her age cause she was born early and under wight cause of all of the drugs the mother took during the pregnancy and all of the drugs she asked for when she was in labor with Luna. Skylar saw that no one else was home so she went next door to get Ms. Duckworth who always helped out with the girls when she could and she would cook for Skylar so she would have food in her little system as well as change her since Skylar was still in diapers too so she would need changed around the same time her sister needed changed and when the other neighbors weren't home or were busy  

(Duckworth house)

"Hey Skylar" Ms. Duck says when she saw Skylar come to the door with a sad face cause she could not care for her baby sister herself and Ms. Duck was okay with that cause Skylar should not care for her baby sister all by herself at all at such a young age too  

"Sissy needs change" Skylar says to her in her shy voice cause she was always afraid that the neighbors will tell her no or something else, and when she acted like that the neighbors would always help her out cause she was still in her little shell and she would stay that way for a couple of days at a time cause the dad did something really disgusting to her that he should not have done so Skylar had to keep her mouth shut at all times when she went to get help for her baby sister and for her as well  

"It smells like you need changed too sweetie come on I'll change you first and then i wil take care of your baby sister cause i always treat you girls the same no matter what happens cause i always did it with you when you were sissy's age cause your father worked and your mother was doing drugs and smoking and didn't pay enough attention to you at all which was really sad" Ms. Duck says as she picks the little girl up so she could change Skylar and get a new diaper on her before going back over to her house to take care of the baby and see if she needed new outfit too which she gets every other day  

Ms. Duck was fast to change her and she headed over to the house to get Luna and take care of her since the parents were in the shed drinking and getting high once again  

"Okay Luna I'm here sweet girl" Ms. Duck says when she heard the baby cry up a storm from her room and she knew that she was not a happy camper at all  

Ms. Duck changes her into a new outfit since she had another blow-out and she was going to wash all of the girls clothes and bring them back at a later time since the parents were busy at the moment so the girls laundry never got done unless one of the neighbors did it and they kept the clothes at their house just in case for the girls sake since they were in danger by the parents and the neighbors were told by the parents to never call the cops or else they would never live there again so they kept very very hush hush about the whole thing when they could    

"Okay baby girl I'll get a bottle warmed up for you and we will get you fed" Ms. Duck says as she heads down to the kitchen to get a bottle for the baby and get her fed since Skylar's arms were too little to hold the baby and hold the bottle so she was going to have Skylar hold the baby on the couch and she was going to get something for Skylar to hold the bottle so it was not too hot for her as she was feeding the baby her bottle and she was going to come back later after to check on the girls 

Ms. Duckworth let it cool down a lot before she gave the bottle to Skylar so she could feed her baby sister properly without any trouble at all and she did 

"Skylar i need to tell you something before i go back home again and I won't come back unless i need to" Ms. Duckworth says as she was looking at the toddler who was feeding her baby sister right now but she had to listen to the grown up that was in charge of her and her baby sister at the moment since they had no grown-ups to watch them most of the time anyway so the neighbors checked on the girls whenever they could to make sure they were okay before leaving before the parents saw them come into the house or peak through the windows    

Skylar was listening to her 

"I am going to be going to an assisted living facility in a few weeks cause i am going to be having surgery to fix my knees a little bit so they are better cause they are not the best right now, so for a few weeks I won't be here" Ms. Duckworth says to her

"You come back?" Skylar asks her

"I will come back and i will have the rest of the neighborhood watch out for you and your baby sister as well and let them know what is happening to you girls I hope someone is nice enough to take you girls away from here and adopt you girls as their own cause you girls do not deserve to live like this much longer I see the bruises you have on your arms from your dad hitting you with many objects I see your baby sister is stuck in the line of fire" Ms. Duckworth says to the girls as she was still talking to them 

Skylar wanted to cry as Ms. Duckworth left the house to go back to her house and she knew she had to be a big girl and take care of her baby sister herself now and herself too. After she burped her sister she went to see if her parents were out on the patio cause they locked themselves out of the house again 

"Sissy it's just the two of us for now" Skylar says as she looks at her baby sister who was going back to sleep again since she was a newborn still 

Luna didn't care what her sister was saying 

Skylar rinsed out the bottle for her sister and let it dry and got herself a snack before going near her sister for nap time since they would nap together every afternoon 

"Night sissy" Skylar says as she got on the other side of the couch away from her sister so she would not crush her as she was sleeping 

Skylar and Luna didn't hear their parents come in cause the dad had to go to work that night so he had to sober up a bit and he knew he would be fired that night since he smelled of booze and he was going to be home more so he was going to drink more and the mother went to the other bedroom to sleep too 

V & C     

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