Part 5

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"Well time for the squirt gun" he says as he went to get the squirt gun to get her up that way hopefully and he was going to change her clothes and change her diaper as well cause she was totally soaked so she was going to need a bath right away then he was going to give her breakfast as well since her sister had her breakfast while she was still sleeping

Skylar started to open her eyes and she was not happy that daddy squirted her awake as well and she wanted to sleep still so Logan figured she had a bad case of jet lag from the plane as well

"I think you need a bath baby then I am going to feed you breakfast then you can have fun with ocean and Kingston as well cause they want to play with you baby cause they are super happy to have another friend that they can play with cause they barely have any friends out here" he says as he got her out of her car seat and he was going to take her into the house to give her a nice bath as well

Logan was quick to wash her up and he put her in a cute outfit and Alexa was going to do her hair as she was going to have her breakfast that morning and then she was going to play with her friends as well cause Ocean and Kingston was excited to have her there with them, and they could play tag and have her play with their toys as well caus ethey had a lot of toys that they were going ot get out for her so they could play together and Logan was going to be with her baby sister cause she could not play with the bigger kids quite yet cause she was too little to play with them and he loved being with her anyways

"Aunt Alexa is going to do your hair for you this morning and once you have your breakfast you are going to play with ocean and Kingston who are Carlos's boys and Ocean is really excited and he can't wait to play with you" Logan says as he was cleaning up the mess cause she was not potty trained yet but he was going to work on it with her or Alexa could help him get her started using the big girl potty cause Carlos potty trained the boys so she was going to get some practice with a girl so this was the perfect time for her to get practice

Skylar went to the kitchen to have her breakfast cause she was a little hungry that morning so food was going to be welcome to her and she might lay down cause she has bad jet lag a little bit which is not good for her cause the time change messed her up or she is just tired in general right now from the time change that she went through to go to Hawaii

"Alexa made you something that daddy might make for you at home cause he sent me a list of what all you eat at home that way you can eat the same foods here that you do at home" Alexa says as she served Skylar her breakfast that morning so she could eat and she could play with ocean and Kingston later on after breakfast as well cause ocean wanted to play with her after breakfast that morning and Skylar was not having it she wanted to go back to bed cause she might after breakfast that morning cause her sister will go down for her nap here in a bit so a small nap couldn't hurt her and she might be in a better mood as well after she had some more sleep

Logan was going to feed her breakfast that morning that way she could have some food in her system that way she could have some energy to play much later on in the day if she was up for it or they could play tomorrow once she was fully adjusted to the time difference once again cause this was not good at all for her and if she still doesn't want to be there he was going to take the girls home and Carlos was going to bring his bunch to the states once again in time and they were going to give it another go of course and hopefully it will go better then ever but it could be like how it is this time around and they will try again when the girls are older and Skylar were around other kids a little bit more as well too and she wasn't so shy like she is today for some strange reason or another cause she has been going through a strange phase lately and Logan could not figure out why she was going through it and he knew he had to help her somehow to get over this and get pass this

"Carlos boys are ready to play with you princess and show you the island and what they do here and maybe you can be apart of this Uncle Carlos went through the trouble of arranging this and I think we should show him some respect and have some fun while we are here cause I hate to go home already cause you are being a Debbie downer" Logan says as he was cutting her food up for her so she could have her breakfast that morning as well

Skylar eats her breakfast quietly and she doesn't say much and so Logan knew this was going to be one interesting trip for the books as well and he knew she was going to test his patience as well this trip too so that was going to be fun in itself as well so he was on edge right now and that worried Logan an awful lot as well and the trip was going to be cut short cause of her and how she was being as well cause she was not entirely herself at all either so he knew it was going to take her much longer to get used to everything as well and that was just fine with him and if she doesn't adjust they were going to be going home earlier then schedule as well which was not going to be good at all


Logan decided to leave the same day with Skylar cause she was not feeling it and she was not having the best time at all either so Kendall was going to stay with Luna cause she was being a very good girl and loved all of the attention that she was getting from uncle Carlos and aunt Alexa as well

"Sorry Los I wish Skylar opened up more to Ocean and wasn't such a Debby downer" Logan says as he was loading up the van to go to the airport to go back home and he was going to work with Skylar one on one a little bit more maybe hopefully then they could come back to Hawaii and try it again maybe

More will come hopefully when the views are up a little bit more then what they are right now cause I'm close to 1500 words and I would like to get a new chapter up sometime when I'm off again and the day isn't busy like how it has been lately when I'm off and I'm going to be working a lot for the next couple of Saturday's cause of days off and whatever else as well so I'm looking at next year for a brand new update unless I get another Saturday off sometime next month

Part 6 next day off when the views are up more

Sleepwalker (A Logan Henderson story) wattys 2023Where stories live. Discover now