Chapter Eight: Fight for Control

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Castiel stood outside of the bunker his eyes closed kneeling.
"Please God," he prayed,"I don't know what to do. Lucifer is trying to take control, and nobody is strong enough to stand up to him, the angels put together may, but if he succeeds into making the Dark Angel nothing can stop him."

"Right you are Brother," The devils voice sounded out. Cas opened his eyes to see Lucifer with six figures all in dark.
"Now give me my Stiles back."

Stiles didn't really know what to expect when he decided to fight the demon that had ruined his life. But he didn't think it would result flying trough a brick wall.

A cut on his forehead resulted in blood starting to seep from the wound and down his face. Stiles wouldn't of minded it considering he had been covered with blood far to often. But this was a special case. Because the blood was dripping onto his favorite shirt.

You know the white one with the navy trim around it. Yeah now there's blood on it and Stiles didn't care if this was a reality or not.

He groaned as he rose to his feet realizing he was in the school.
"It's always the school isn't it," Stiles groaned. He saw the outline shape of the demon approaching and Stiles prepared himself for another assault of brutal hits. Voids smirk was clearly visible and Stiles hated it.

Stiles was surprised to be honest when he heard a roar. Then Voids face morphed into rage except he was grabbed and a pair of clawed hands sliced at the demons face before Void was picked up and thrown at Stiles feet.

He came sliding to stop and Stiles eyed him carefully. He looked up to see Scott walking in his red eyes fading.
"It looked like you needed some help," the young alpha noted.
"That doesn't make up for anything," Stiles noted before grabbing a brick and slamming it on Voids head. The demons eyes rolled up in his head and Stiles sighed in relief.

Scott sighed as he looked around, "Are we in the school?"
"Sadly yes."
Scott let out a little smile as he stared at the hallway.
"This is where it all ended the first time. Do you think it could be that simple again?" The alpha asked.

"He's hyped up on demon blood and souls, I doubt anything will ever be that simple again," Stiles noted before giving one last look at Void.

"Now come on help me find my jeep." Scott watched his friend storm out of the school. Sighing Scott followed after him.

"I'm sorry you know, about believing Theo, about everything."
"Uh huh, yeah Scott I don't care. You can apologize when I have control over my body again," Stiles informed the alpha," In the mean time you can start making up for it. Where would I leave my jeep?"

Scott shrugged as he looked around.
"Your house is always a good bet."
Stiles nodded and the two boys started jogging off towards Stiles former house.


"How long is this going to take?" Dean asked. Liam shrugged.
"Depends, sometimes it takes minutes, others hours."

"If he's trying to help Stiles regain control I bet it's going to take awhile," Theo noted.
Sam sighed as he put his book down he was about to say something when Cas rushed into the room.

"We have a problem. A big problem!" The angel exclaimed.
"What is it?" Allison asked. Before he could say anything he was shoved into the room an angel blade on his back. Behind him was a group of enemies all dressed in black.

"May I present to you the new knights of hell!" A familiar evil voice sounded out. The knights side stepped and reveled Lucifer standing there a smug smile on his face.
"Come on! You didn't actually think I'd let you actually help him!? Not when he's already so close to fulfilling his potential. Now hand him over and nobody dies!" The devil ordered.

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