"No one is here Sonic, it was me who screamed" Sonic didn't calm down though.

"Of course it was you who screamed, but why?"
Tails opened his mouth to answer, but locked it again when he heard the doorbell.

"One sec" and Sonic were out of sight. 'Sonic...' Tails walked back to his computer and looked at it closely.

Tails' eyes widened when he saw the house on a picture Eggman were going to attack first. 'No...'
Tails ran out of his workshop and went to find Sonic. He did but he crashed into him rather than finding him. Sonic were quick as always and cought him before Tails fell backwards, making them look like they coupledanced. Of course blushed Tails. Which Sonic finds cute, so he smirked while looking at his lover. Tails stood up on his own two feet and growled of embarrassment. Sonic only snorted, but he didn't mean it in a bad way.

"Sonic..." Tails couldn't even start before he felt a heavy body on himself. He got shocked and caught the body hugging him, and it was no one else than Cream and Cheese. 'Great... Now this keep getting better and better...' Tails didn't wanted anybody else to come right now. This wasn't a great timing, if he doesn't tell Sonic now... "Sonic! Listen to me for once!" And by that angry tone, Sonic froze completely and stared at Tails in shock, even Cream slowly got off of Tails.

"Y-yes Tails?" Tails felt bad for scaring both of them, but now is not the right timing. "Eggman is going to -" But Tails couldn't even finish, again, the sentence because he heard a huge "Bang"

All of the ran to the door and looked outside. Robots. Exactly what Tails found out. They were going to attack his house first! Tails then ran outside with Sonic behind to meet their arch nemesis. Doctor Ivo Robotnik, or Eggman. Tails growled when he saw Eggman with his robot army and his huge grin on his face. Sonic stepped in front of Tails and crossed his arms. "What do you want Baldy macnosehair?" Tails just had to snort to that. The name was still funny. Eggman however, did not like it and growled. "You unrespectfull rodent! I am here to claim this village as a part of my Eggmanland! And i don't want to harm any citizen. So please, give up now Sonic! and i won't harm anyone!" Sonic wanted to laugh so badly and both Sonic and Tails crossed their arms and smirked. "Do you think you have a chance Eggy?" Tails looked at Eggman in his hovercraft with confident eyes. Sonic couldn't help but to see that in Tails. 'Man. You have grown up, haven't ya lil'buddy?' Sonic looked at Eggman who was now out of words. Of course he is out of words. He always lost!

Eggman growled and clicked a few buttons on his hovercraft. "Attack!!!" He screamed as he pointed at Sonic and Tails who were now in atheir usual battle position. Cream who were still inside with Cheese activated the sheild around Tails' house to protect them and the house from getting destroyed.

Tails activated his blue sword - sheilds and started attacking the robots while flying to make them confused. Sonic also started attacking and crushing the robots with his usual spindash at incredible speed. Tails took his time to figure out how many robots they were, and to his fear. It was too many for only him and Sonic to destroy, but he kept on attacking them anyway.

Sonic took this fight as a game as usual, but he also took his glance on Tails every now and then. 'When did he learn to fight so well?' The sight only made Sonic smirk. 'He is really strong around me I guess'

Sonic perked his ears up when he heard familiar voices and he also got shocked when he saw Shadow attacking the robot right in front of him. 'When the heck did you guys come!?' Sonic only laughed and kept going on the now soon-to-win battle.

Eggman knew the time were running out, so he got ready a special missle. Eggman knew he were gonna lose this oh-so-suprising battle, but one thing were for sure: He were gonna get a prize! Eggman pressed the button on his hovercraft and the missle launched towards it's target: Sonic the hedgehog.

Tails avoided the lazers from the robots by taking a backflip and launched himself at them with a spindash, breaking all of them. Tails were now breathing heavy and saw to his terror a missle, but it was different. It was black with a dead slull marked on it. Tails' eyes widened at the sight. 'Dead skull? DEAD SKULL!' The project! Tails immediately ran towards Sonic as fast as he could, using his tails for support. "Sonic!" Tails shouted as he ran. He couldn’t get hit. He just couldn’t!

"Huh?" Sonic stood up and looked at his lover running towards him. He just couldn’t help but smile. But it soon faded away when he saw Tails' face expression: tears. He were crying. A millisecond went by and it felt like his heart suddenly stopped.

Tails jumped in front of Sonic, knocking him out of balance. His eyes widened as pain filled his body. The missle hit him instead.
Tails crashed into a tree and the missle exploded. He heard Sonic's scream through the explotion before he fell to the ground, his entire body shaking violently.

"Tails! TAILS!" Sonic screamed as he kneeled down by his side, his eyes widened in terror and sadness as he heldt Tails close. Tails' eyes were wide as he struggled with breathing and blood coming from his right arm. Only one thing were more painful than ever:


I am sorry... again, for no updates in awhile😧 Never had time😅 But I am NOT dead😂

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