Chpater Two: Defending

Start from the beginning

I giggled again.

"So it looks like the teacher won't be here for a while, so why don't you tell me about yourself" I suggested.

"OK! My name is Naruto Uzumak! I like all types of ramen and ummm you" he said, blushing at the end.

" I dislike when people hurt me and call me names. My dream is to become Hokage!" He spoke happily.

I smiled.

He's really something isn't he?

"That's a great dream Naruto! I know that it will come true one day!" I told him smiling brightly.

His eyes widened again.

"R-R-Re-eal-l-l-ly-y? You mean it?" He asked incredulously.

"Of course!"

"Thank you Sakura! No one's ever believed in me before"

"No problem, what are friends for?" I said.

His eyes widened again.

"You wanna be my...friend?" He asked bewildered.

He is the nicest and funniest person I've ever met. How could people not want to be his friend?

"No, I wanna be your best friend!" I said with pure honesty in voice.

"Ok! Sure! Yeah! Let's be best friends!"

And then the two of us started laughing hysterically but happily too.

"Wow, I haven't laughed this much since.... No. I've never laughed this much"

"Oh! I totally forgot! You haven't told me anything about you yet!" He pointed out!

"That's right!" I said.

'Avoid the family subject, avoid the family subject, avoid the family subject, avoid the family subject, avoid the family subject...'

"Alright! My names Sakura Haruno! I like training, reading, shogi and you!" I said.

At the end I poked him in the stomach, causing him to blush again. And of course that made me giggle, then I continued.

"I dislike it when people hurt people I care about"

"And when people you love try and hurt you"

"My dream is to prove to some people that I am strong" I finished.

"That's awesome!!" Naruto exclaimed.

"What about your family?" He asked.

It's a fair question but if knew the truth, he wouldn't have asked. He's oblivious about it and I hope it stays that way.

But on to the task at hand, what am I going to do? I don't want to lie to first friend and he wouldn't like being lied to either.

So maybe I should try diverting from me answering.

"Umm what about yours?" I asked.

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