16-Night-shadows Aren't Car Proof

Start from the beginning

After rounding everyone up, we walk to the elevators.

Everyone sits down at the breakfast table.

"So, I think we should take today to plan, but we want to get to OHAR as soon as possible, so does leaving tonight sound good?" Nox asks everyone. We nod in agreement.

"Don't forget, don't turn on any lights. I know we won't be able to see night-shadows, but all the fluorescent lights would wake people up," KC says.

"I know that this always goes wrong in horror movies, but I think we should split up. It would let us cover more ground, and we'd have a better chance of finding Juliette," Leila suggests.

"That's a good idea, because the building actually separates into two sections. The downstairs of the building is where the lower rank people work, and where the training centre, newbie briefing, and storage is. The upstairs part is where the boss and his little elite group are. Private offices, special meeting rooms, and private bedrooms for each of the top ranking people. The rest of the bedrooms are mostly downstairs," KC explains.

"Okay, on one hand, a hostage is kind of a big deal, so they'd probably have her upstairs, where we found the other kids. On the other hand, if we found her once, we can find her again, so they'll probably want to hide her downstairs, where we're less likely to look, so it's better to search the whole building," I point out.

"True. So...groups. Maybe me, Nox, Autumn, Mercedes, and Ryith, and then KC, Gray, Nora, and Oakley," Leila suggests.

Ah ha. Sneaky. I notice she put herself and Nox together.

I let out a little quiet scoff. She could have put me and Gray together too.

At this point, everyone's done their breakfast.

"Here, something else we could do is load the car. Speaking of which, we'll need both," Nox says, grabbing several weapons from the table. I grab Oakley's pipe, Mercedes' taser, and my own crossbow.

I carry the weapons out to the car, following Nox. We put them in the trunk, then head back.

"How long would we be there? Like, do we need to pack bags?" Mercedes asks once we're inside.

"I think everyone should maybe bring a little bag. Maybe one extra change of clothes, and some food. One of us should have the first aid kit, too," Gray says.

"I studied medicine in uni before my "friend" forced me to join OHAR," KC offers.

"Okay, then keep this safe in your bag," Leila says, handing KC the first aid kit.

"We'll give out backpacks if you don't have one," Nox adds, looking at KC's worried face.

Oh, good. I brought only a duffel bag, which is kinda inconvenient to lug around when you're trying to be incognito and go unnoticed.

Leila comes back (I didn't even notice her leave) with two backpacks, and hands them to me and KC.

I nod a thanks to her, then I grab a couple snacks from the kitchen.

I head to the elevator, then to my room.

I snatch my black leather jacket and yellow tee (some of the only clothes in the dresser that are actually mine) from the drawer, along with my favourite black capris. I change out of my black sandals into a pair of black and white running shoes. Looking in the mirror, I scrape my dark hair into a long ponytail.

Okay, I think I'm ready.

I relax in my room for the afternoon, waiting for the evening to come.

When I walk back out into the hall, KC happens to come out at the same time. I smile at her, but she gently touches my arm, signalling me to wait.

"I'm really nervous about this. I don't think I can go back there, what if they recognize me?" She asks, with a shaky voice.

"Don't worry, we'll be there for you if they do. Besides, everyone will be asleep, right?" I say, trying to be reassuring.

She nods, still a little unsure. I think I'll leave it to Leila if KC needs more comforting, she's a lot better at it then me.

We make it down into the lobby, then out to the cars.

Since I'm not in his group, I purposely head for the same truck as Gray. I make sure my crossbow in the truck bed, and then I sling my backpack in next to it.

I smile at Gray in the driver's seat, then I turn around to see Oakley and Mercedes in the back. That means Leila, Nox, and KC have the younger ones.

Gray pulls out of the parking lot, driving down the road as the sun starts to set.

Around twenty minutes into the drive, I hear a faint noise. Intrigued, I roll down the window to listen. The noise is still faint, and I strain to listen.

By the time I realize what it is, it's too late.

A clinking noise. Just as I start to call out a warning to Gray, the night-shadows are upon us.

The last thing I see before darkness is their many rows of teeth.

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