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~Arynn pov~

This year could not get any worse. My parents were seperating after 13 years, my Uncle was hit by a car while he was riding his snowmobile, my dog had ran away and was found beaten to death, and worse of all, I lost the best thing that had ever happened to me. My boyfriend Talen Curtis. He was my other half, my everything. I needed him and he left me. He said he couldn't take me being so depressed all the time. So he left me for some hoe named Isabella. And no, I'm not just calling her a hoe out of jealousy, she was a legit hoe. In every meaning of the word. I just barely finished the school year with out my friends who I had slowly pushed away. I had no one but my music, my dad and my cousin Angelica to help me. Everyone at school said I looked like death in the form of a body. With was probably true. I wasn't always like this. I used to be the happy, cheerful, girl that everyone loved, I used to be the girl who posted a morning selfie with a cute quote on Instagram everyday, I used to do all kinds of sports like football, softball, basketball, and floor hockey. But the one sport that I aboslutly loved more than anything was track. I loved to run, it made me feel free.. It made me feel happy. 

Key word: used to 

Now I'm just the quiet girl who talks to nobody and is always listening to music. Music was my only escape.. where I could feel like everything was somewhat ok. 

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