Hell Chapter 4: Encounter

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"well then.. let's get down to business shall we?" the blonde said while walking towards Nozomi which made Nozomi walk backwards...

okay Nozomi, you got this, just turn around and run for your life...

okay in





Nozomi then run,,but with only six steps someone hold her wrist..

"and where do you think your going?" the blonde ask coldly...

"a-ano,,, t-the comfort room?" Nozomi said stuttering..

baka Nozomi! why did you said it like your questioning?!! moouu!!! baka baka baka!!!!...

"well then Ms.Tojo I would just like to warn you... this is gonna be your first warning of being late... do that two more times then expect your death already... oh.. and this is your punishment...."

"eh? what punishm---ittai!!"

what happened you ask? welp Nozomi just got her wrist broken (not physically though only made it red and had an internal bleeding)

"well then I hope you understand what that means...your first warning " and with that the blonde walk away leaving Nozomi teary eyed while pouting a bit and glaring at the blonde's back ....

"you'll get another punishment if you keep glaring..." the blonde half shouted for Nozomi to hear while still walking away from her....


"YOU WHAT?!" Honoka shouted when it was lunch time causing the students to look at her but she just glared...

"Are you crazy?! of all the things that you could have done you talk back to her?!" this time it was Umi scolding her...

"well,, I didn't know but I recognize her" Nozomi defended and shrugged her shoulder while munching on her onigiri...

"you recognize her yet you talk back to her nya?" Rin, who doesn't understand anything ask...

Nozomi then just nodded and kept munching on her onigiri making Umi and Honoka sigh....

"well I pray for your life my friend.." Honoka said and started eating her bread...

"by the way Kotori-chan,, why are so quiet? something wrong?" And all attention was on Kotori who was looking at something or more like someone from afar...

"no it's nothing,, I'm just curious about Nishikino-san and Yazawa-san,, because it seems like their looking for someone.."Kotori said slowly while still observing the two from afar..

after Kotori said that they became quiet and also observe to from afar..

the PBG then slowly look at each other..

then as if reality but then hard like a truck...

"oh no..."PBG

"eh??"Lily white

"Nozomi-san, their looking for you.." Hanayo said...

"ehhhh??! why me??"

but before they could even answer her the two person from the BDG came to their table...

but their focused was only on Nozomi...

before Honoka can even protest the red haired girl speak up...

"are you Tojo Nozomi?"


Haaaiii... sorry for the late and short UD'~~ I just got busy with my life ;3.... anyways I hope you enjoyed it!~

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