Chapter 3

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"Yes?" We both asked at the same time.

Noah and I looked each other in the eye and smiled.

"The rebels have left. But they tore your room apart," he stated apologetically.

"Thank you," I replied.

I went to my room to see what I could salvage.

A knock came at the door.

I opened the door to see Marie.

"I heard about your room miss. Would you like me to help you?" She asked sincerely.

"Yes please," I agreed.

She smiled and came in.

The photographs that were on the mirror of my vanity table were scattered on the floor. I picked each one of them up. I picked one up that was very dear to me. It was of the time my best friend Lorelei and I went to the Bahamas for a week. We were standing on the beach in our bikinis.

Dad had let me go to the Bahamas because it was my 17th birthday.

I smiled at the memory.

Marie helped me tidy my closet.

"You're lucky you weren't in here when they ransacked your room," Marie said.

"I know. I keep thinking that if I had been in here," I paused. "They would have kidnapped me."

Time flew by fast. The letters were sent out throughout the kingdom. Mom even sent out letters to the princes in other kingdoms.

The next week was busy for me. I had a hand in designing the rooms for the guys that were going to participate in the competition. I chose to have the rooms be centered around cool colors like blues and greens. The rooms were furnished throughout the next two weeks.

And the drawing day arrived. The suitors were going to be picked by me in a random drawing.

The girls set out the dress I was going to wear. I took a shower.

They helped me into the dress. It was a a deep purple dress with lace at the top and tulle on the bottom skirt. Marie put my hair into a clean bun. And I put on my favorite pair of earrings, pearls.

My make up artist Raisa applied make up to my face using natural colors to enhance my features. She put minimal makeup on my face: a bit of concealer, foundation, a bit of blush, eyeliner, lip gloss and eyeshadow.

It was time for the drawing. I went to the large room in the palace that was used for televised interviews and speeches. There were 10 large bowls with hundreds of, envelopes, applications that were sent.

10 bowls for the 10 provinces in the kingdom.

I was nervous.

I got onto the platform where the bowls stood. My mom approached me. She gave me a hug.

"Don't worry. You will do great," she assured me.

I nodded.

I wiped my hands on the back of my tulle skirt.

I hope so for the kingdoms sake and mine...

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