Chapter 10

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I dressed in a sun dress that had no sleeves but two straps. Is was white with poppy flowers on it. My hair was circled and styled down. I had a tiara on today and small diamond earrings on.

I walked to the rose garden looking for Adrian. I saw him standing tall and fair. His brown eyes shone brightly. He was wearing a suit with a pink shirt underneath.

He pulled the chair out for me to sit and scooted in.

"Princess Adeline you look beautiful," he complimented.

"Thank you, you can call me just Adeline," I said. "And I like your shirt. Purple is my favorite color."

"I made the food we are going to eat in the kitchen," he commented.

"Really? Do you cook?" I asked.

"Yes I cook at home all the time. But I love making desserts," he said.

"What else do you like to do?" I asked interested in him.

"I volunteer at the animal shelter. It's small but there's lots of kittens," he said.

"I'm trying to imagine you wearing scrubs with kittens in your arms," I smiled.

"Maybe we could go volunteer sometime?" He said.

"Yes of course!" I said. Then the waiter arrived and set our plates down.

"It's chicken with rosemary spice and lemon. And white rice with a side of grilled zucchini," Adrian said.

"It smells delicious," I said.

"So Adeline, tell me more about yourself. Tell me your story," he asked.

"Well. I have a younger brother, Noah who I love. I love to swim and read. As a little girl living in a castle seemed like a dream. You know? Wearing a tiara and a dress made me feel and look like a princess. And at first it was cool but I began to resent the responsibility of it all," I said.

Adrian left his food untouched and was giving me 100% of his attention.

"So you don't like being a princess?" He asked.

"No I do! But there's the negatives to it. And there's perks too. Like I have maids and cooks to cater to my every need. But sometimes I feel trapped. If you were to be my husband you would live in this cage with me. Beautiful cage yes but still a cage," I said.

"Adeline. If I am chosen to be your husband, your partner in this life and the next, then I would be the luckiest man in the world," he said looking straight into my eyes.

We ate our food. And it tasted amazing. We walked around the gardens.

"I have a younger sister who was thrilled when I was drawn in the selection. She told me that I had to win your heart and that if I didn't then she wouldn't talk to me ever again," he chuckled.

"Wow that's high stakes," I joked.

"Well I find mind her threat since I've always had a crush on the princess growing up," he said.

I realized he was talking about me. Flirting even. I smiled.

"Oh is that so? Well why doesn't he tell her? I'm sure she would love to hear it," I said.

He smiled. And he got a bit serious.

"Adeline. It's true. I've always had a crush on you. Watching you on the television from time to time growing up. I dreamt of being with you. And now that I have a chance I have to try my best," he said.

I nodded.

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