Chapter One: A boy named Naruto

Start from the beginning

I walked over to group of kids and pushed my way through with some difficulty, some of the kids had pushed back. Hitting against my arms causing jolts of pain through my body due to the fact that they had hit the things I don't want people to see. I winced, but none the less kept going.

I made it through the crowd of kids and was now face to face with the blonde boy. Blue eyes stared in shock into my own green ones.

He was propped on his elbows and laying on the ground. He must've been pushed from the looks of those scratches on his arms.

His azure blue eyes had tears welling the corners, threatening to fall. But what was admirable about it was that he seemed to refuse to let them.

He had whisker marks on his cheeks, three on each. He resembles a fox in a way and it suited him .

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes, pain shined through them and they seemed to ask a silent question.

'Are you gonna hurt me too?'

That alone tugged at my heartstrings, bringing back a memory I wish could forget. He looked lonely and afraid.

Was this a boy who deserved to called such names?

No, he wasn't.

And I refuse to let it continue any longer.

"Hey watch where you're going pinky!" A boy shouted.

I turned my back to the whisker faced boy and faced the angry mob.

"Leave him alone!" I yelled back at them.

They were surprised at my outburst as if it were the first time someone had intervened. And probably was.

Did none of them have a heart?

Maybe it takes someone who knows the same pain.

"What was that?!??" A boy with brown hair asked.

"You heard me! He did nothing to deserve this! So I'll say it again! Leave. Him. Alone." I repeated.

They were shocked at my statement yet again. Now believing what they had originally heard.

"You don't know anything, you pink haired freak!" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"He's a demon!" Another said.

"No he's not! He's a human being just like you and me!" I argued.

Then the sound of a bell echoed through the yard, abruptly putting an end to our little 'squabble'.

"This isn't over!" A boy yelled and the mob of kids walked away.

I turned around to the boy. His eyes were widened in shock and he continued to stare at me. His mouth hung open in surprise.

I put on my best warm smile and extended my hand him for him to grab.
He looked at my hand cautiously.

I giggled.

Sure it was a silly act that he did but it was for good reason. Who knows what else had been done to him. I fought back the frown that tried the tugging the corners of my lips down.

"Don't worry I don't bite" I said softly.

He slowly took of my hand and pulled I him up off the ground so he can stand on his feet.

Now that he was up I could see him fully now. He was slightly shorter then me but I have no doubt that one day it will be the other way around.

He was wearing a white t-shirt with an orange swirl insignia in the centre of it.

"There we go. Now are you alright?" I asked.

He was startled by my question. Almost like he was never asked such a basic question before in his life. It is such a common thing yet it has never been shared with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said.

"That's good. Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Sakura Haruno by the way and you are?"

He smiled.

"Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki!" He said happily.

I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you Naruto. We better get going now but after school I want you to tell me how you really feel. Because I can tell your not fine" I said.

Shocked at my words his eyes widen once more.

My smile remains ever so present on my face.

"Now let's go, we're gonna be late!" I exclaimed.

I grabbed his hand and ran towards the door. Dragging him along with me.

"Woah!" He said in surprise.

I giggled and he began to run along with me.

"Why can you stand up for Naruto but not yourself?" Inner asked.

'I don't know Inner, I don't know.'


Ta-da! So what do you think? I figured that I'd make this story with some of the same plot line. Like Naruto not having parents and being hated.

So I'm having Sakura be the one to help him out. The first to befriend him because she too knows what it's like to be belittled, hated and hurt beyond compare.

Of course you I haven't revealed what's going on with Sakura so I guess you'll have to read and find out. Or all the hints I've dropped are making it extremely obvious and you already know.

Comment your opinions and please vote.

Thanks for reading!


Number of words: 1258

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