the deathly hallows

Start from the beginning

"No more being attacked, is that to much to ask" lily sighed.
"Yes" the trio said, nodding in unison. The marauders and Lily deflated

"But it keeps appearing, Harry! Dumbledore left me The Tales of Beedle the Bard, how do you know we're not supposed to find out about the sign?"

"Here we go again!" Harry felt slightly exasperated. "We keep trying to convince ourselves Dumbledore left us secret signs and clues –"

"But he did," Hermione said, harry scowled at her, she gave him a teasing smile.

"The Deluminator turned out to be pretty useful," piped up Ron. "I think Hermione's right, I think we ought to go and see Lovegood."

"You only agreed to get on my good side again," Hermione teased. Ron shrugged and Harry rolled his eyes.

Harry threw him a dark look.

"It won't be like Godric's Hollow," Ron added, "Lovegood's on your side, Harry,

The trio shared a look with Luna.

The Quibbler's been for you all along, it keeps telling everyone they've got to help you!"

"I'm sure this is important!" said Hermione earnestly.

"But don't you think if it was, Dumbledore would have told me about it before he died?"

"Maybe you have to work it out yourself" lily suggested, "It would make sense"

"Maybe . . . maybe it's something you need to find out for yourself," said Hermione with a faint air of clutching at straws.

The two witches grinned at each other.

"Yeah," said Ron sycophantically, "that makes sense."

"No, it doesn't," snapped Hermione,

"You just disagreed with yourself, Hermione," the twins laughed.

"Shut up," Hermione said, waving her hand.

"but I still think we ought to talk to Mr. Lovegood. A symbol that links Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Godric's Hollow? Harry, I'm sure we ought to know about this!"

"I think we should vote on it," said Ron. "Those in favour of going to see Lovegood –"

"Not going to work well for harry" Sirius snorted, Harry made an annoyed noise.

His hand flew into the air before Hermione's. Her lips quivered suspiciously as she raised her own.

"I wanted to laugh," Hermione smiled faintly.

"It is ridiculous," Lily nodded. "Reminds me of these two" she whacked James and Sirius round the head as they gave the fiery witch innocent looks.

"Outvoted, Harry, sorry," said Ron, clapping him on the back.

"Fine," said Harry, half amused, half irritated. "Only, once we've seen Lovegood, let's try and look for some more Horcruxes, shall we?

"Good idea," Neville chuckled.

Where do the Lovegood's live, anyway? Do either of you know?"

"Near the burrow," Molly smiled "We see them sometimes" 

"Yeah, they're not far from my place," said Ron. "I dunno exactly where, but Mum and Dad always point toward the hills whenever they mention them. Shouldn't be hard to find."

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