penisve year 2

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"What y'all looking so sad for?" Asked tonks bursting in, tripping over the bed and falling down next to Remus.
"Watching Harry's memories, from his early life and year 1 to now, were about to start year 2" Remus explained.
"What happened?" Tonks asked. Remus looked at harry who nodded.
"Harry was abused at the dursleys, his bedroom was a small cupboard, he had to do the chores and cook, he thought his mum and dad died in a car crash, was the youngest seeker in a century, fought a troll in the girls bathroom, learned about the philosophers stone, completed the chambers before it, faced voldumort in the last chamber, concealed the stone from him and escaped alive all when he was 11. " Remus answered.
"Wow" tonks simply answered.
"You can see 2nd year to if you want" invited harry. She nodded as harry took the memories and emerged himself in the pensive.

Harry was in his bedroom and lying on his bed. He was very hungry and bored. His windows were bared so he couldn't go out.

"They bared your windows?" Said lilly, angry. Harry nodded.

They heard a car outside and saw Ron's dads flying car. Ron, Fred and George were in it. They took harrys bars away and saved him.

"Why didn't you take me??" Whined ginny and ron shrugged.
"I want a flying car!!" Sirius said energeticaly.

Harry was in defence in dark arts and being taught by professor Lockhart, he had the room decorated with pictures of himself. Then he let out a cage of pixies.

"He was a horrible teacher" Ron stated
"Better then umbridge" harry said.

Harry and draco were dueling in the club and draco summoned a snake. Harry started talking to it in parselmouth.

"Your a parselmouth?" Asked James, harry nodded.
"Oh harry don't speak parselmouth in front of everyone!" Moaned Remus
"It just sounds like your hissing" tonks observed.
"Sounds English to me, didn't know i was doing it" harry shrugged.
"Should've set it on malfroy" suggested Sirius, earning a galre from Remus and lilly.

Harry could hear voices and noises as he walked through the corridors. He saw Mrs Norris petrified and was blamed on him.

Hermionie was petrified next holding a mirror.

"Not you to hermionie!" Moaned Sirius
"Ahh, you worked out it was a basilisk and you took a mirror so you wouldn't die!" Remus worked out and hermionoe nodded. Ron and harry stared at them with wide eyes.

The chamber of secrets has been opened.

"I thought that was a mith" tonks gasped. All the adults face were white
"Oh its not" harry assured them.

Her skeleton will lie in the chamber forever was written in the wall in blood.

Harry, Ron and lockheart went into the chamber and lockheart tried to erase Ron's memory, but Ron's wand was broken so it backfired on lockheart.

"Your broken wand saved your memories Ron!" Hermionie said.

Harry went into the chamber to see Ginny lying next to a diary. Tom riddle came out of the diary.

"Whos that?" Asked tonks
"Tom riddle, voldumort as a teenager." Remus answered.
"Oh harry you saw him last year do you need to see him again?!?" Asked James.
"I don't choose to! He's just obsessed with killing me! He preserved his memory inside the diary, its a horocrux!" Harry reasoned.

Harry was being chased by a basilisk and Fawkes came with the sorting hat. Fawkes blinded the basilisk and harry pulled a sword out of the sorting hat.

"Clever Fawkes!" Lilly praised.
"The sword of godric griffindor" breathed Sirius
'Only a true griffindor can weild it!' James said, happily.

Harry managed to kill the basilisk but one of its teeth impaled Harry's arm.

"Memory, im fine" harry assured him.

Harry pulled the bassilisk tooth out of his arm and destroyed the diary with it, the memory dissapeared and Ginny woke up. Fawkes flew to harry and its tears healed Harry's arm.

"Phoenix tears heal all injury's!" Remus said.

Ron, harry and lockheart flew back on Fawkes.

The group jumped out of the pensive.
"Harry, do you ever have a normal year at Hogwarts?" Asked James.
"No, but third years easiest" harry replied. "That's when i meet Sirius and Remus"
"Yeah but you spend the year with dementors and thinking a crazy mass murder madman is after you" Ron said.
"I didn't say it was easy, i said it was easiest!" Harry replied.
"What was your worst year?" Asked lilly
"4th, 5th or 7th" harry decided
"6th or 7th" hermionie said
"7th" Ron answered.
"I thought the first two were the worst! Dread to think what the rest are like!"

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