"No, I'd rather not get involved," I said, laughing as I was shaking my head.

Josh started laughing too. "I can talk to Roger...in a more normal manner about this," he said.

"That's probably the best thing to do."

Josh went over to Roger, and they talked in private for a few minutes.

After they were done, Josh came back to me. "There," he said.

"So what did you say to him?" I asked, having an idea what he already said, but still wanted to know.

"Well, I told him about Lupe, and that he should ask her out."

"Is he going to do it?"

"I'm not really sure...he's never done anything like that before."

"Oh, so he's never had a girlfriend?"

"Nope." He shook his head.

"Aw, well I'm sure him and Lupe would work out."

"I think so too."

"Hey, did you just talk to Roger?" Jillian asked Josh as she came up to us. "Sorry for intruding on this conversation, by the way."

"Yes, I did," Josh said.

"So is he going to ask her out?"

"I think so." He shrugged.

"He's going over to Lupe!" She pointed at Roger walking toward Lupe.

The poor guy looked nervous.

"Awww," Chantel said.

"Shouldn't we give them some privacy?" I asked, laughing.

"Yeah, we probably should," Josh said.

"It is a special moment for them," Jillian said. "Yeah, I guess we should."

We went over towards the forest, and a few minutes later, Shane and Janee called us to go to our cabins. The boys went to their cabins, and the girls went to theirs.

"Okay, so we're going to do some indoor activities, like art, writing, or drawing," Janee said.

"What about pottery?" Lupe asked.

"Hold on, I'll check." She went into a different room, and then came back a few moments later. "Yes, there's still some available." She nodded.

"Great." She grinned, and went over to the other room.

Chantel, Jillian, and I followed Lupe into that room.

"So, did anything good happen a few minutes ago?" Jillian asked her.

"Yes," Lupe said, grinning. "Roger asked me out."

"That's great!" The three of us gave Lupe a hug.

"How did he ask you out?" Chantel asked.

"Well, he was really nervous, I could tell. He was stuttering over his words, and I told him that it's okay, and that I'd be happy to go out with him," Lupe said, grinning.

"Awww," Jillian said.

"You know what I just realized?" Chantel said.

"No, what?" I asked, looking curious.

"That I'm the only one in the group that doesn't have a boyfriend." She pouted. "No offense to you all. I think you all have great boyfriends."

"It's okay," Jillian said, giving her a hug. "You want me to ask Devon who he likes?"

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