Chapter 13

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{Song in video: Twenty One Pilots - Forest}

Early the next morning, I woke up to cracking sounds, coming from a bush nearby.

"Did anyone else hear that?" I heard Lupe ask. "Is anyone awake?"

"I am," I whispered. "Probably just a breeze."

"Or a bear!"

I rolled my eyes. "It's most likely to be some wind, not a bear." Some part of me knew that there could be a possibility of a bear though, but not as likely.

We heard footsteps that were coming closer, and then our tent started to shake.

Lupe screamed, and the rest of the girls woke up and screamed.

"Bear!" Lupe exclaimed.

Surprisingly though, I didn't really scream. Then I heard laughter coming from upside.

"Hold on, I know what this is," I said, unzipping the tent.

Sure enough, there were a group of guys, including Roger, Josh, and Devon, who were laughing at us.

"I heard you all outside the tent."

"You all were screaming though," Roger said, continuing to laugh.

"I wasn't." I raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" Josh asked, giving me a surprised look.

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Everyone else screamed though," Roger said.

The rest of the girls got out of the tent.

"There wasn't any bears," Lupe said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"That's a good thing..." Chantel said.

"Stupid boys." Lupe mumbled.

"Really guys?" Jillian said, trying not to laugh. "Why?"

The guys shrugged. "We were bored," Roger said.

"You were bored, so you decided to scare us?" Lupe said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, pretty much." He shrugged again.

She rolled her eyes, and went back into the tent.

I went up to Josh, and laughed. "So mature," I said sarcastically.

"It wasn't my idea. I just went with it," Josh said, chuckling. "Sorry about that though if we made you annoyed."

"I'm not annoyed. I heard something anyways." I laughed again

A few minutes later, Bryson came up to us, and asked, "What is going on? I heard some screams that woke me up."

We all looked at each other, and laughed.

"The boys pretended to be bears and woke us up!" Lupe exclaimed, pointing at the boys, still looking slightly annoyed even though she was laughing.

"It's really not a big deal though," Jillian said.

"Whose idea was it?" Bryson asked, glancing at Josh. "Was it you?"

"Why are you asking me?" Josh asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Just curious." He paused. "Did you?"

"No it wasn't my idea." He crossed his arms.

Bryson burst out laughing. "I'm just joking around. You look so serious."

"Very funny." He rolled his eyes, saying that in a sarcastic tone of voice.

My friends and I glanced at each other. I could tell Jillian and Lupe were trying not to laugh.

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