Chapter 15

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{Song in video: Family Of The Year - Make You Mine}

"Roger!" Jillian exclaimed, waving her hands to get his attention. We just finished playing a game with the boys.

"Jillian, stop!" Lupe said to her, looking annoyed and surprised.

"What? I'm trying to help you all." She crossed her arms, grinning.

Lupe kept giving her a look.

"Fine," Jillian sighed. "I'll just talk to Josh and see what he says about him."

"That's fine," Lupe said.

"Josh!" She exclaimed his name a few times before it caught his attention.

He glanced at the four of us with curiosity. "Yes?" He asked as he was coming over.

Lupe went away as he came closer.

"I need to ask you something."

He gave her, Chantel, and I a confused look. "Ask me what?"

"About Roger."

He looked even more confused. "What about him?"

"Ugh, don't you guys ever take a hint?"

"Um, what?"

She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I'm here to ask you who Roger likes. This isn't for me, by the way."

"Oh okay." He chuckled. "Well, that's something I'm not sure I should say in front of you all."

"Why?" She complained. "Just tell."

"I don't think I can do that."

She looked at me. "Rowan, tell your boyfriend to stop holding important information from us."

Josh and I blushed as she said that.

I gave her a look, and then said, "Well, we just want to know who Roger likes. It's for a good cause."

Josh chuckled. "A good cause?" He said.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Okay, well if I tell you all who Roger likes, then you all have to tell me who likes him."

"Deal," the three of us said.

"Roger likes Lupe."

"I knew it!" Jillian exclaimed. She looked around. "Hey, where did Lupe go?"

"She probably didn't want to be part of this awkward conversation especially since this is about her and Roger," I pointed out.

"Good point," Chantel said.

As Chantel and Jillian started looking for Lupe, I stood there next to Josh.

"Hey," Josh said, smiling.

"Hey," I said, smiling back. "Sorry about my friends...they're kind of crazy sometimes." I laughed.

"I can tell." He laughed. "So are you still going to teach me photography later on today?"

"Yes." I nodded. "I made sure to have it charged."


"Roger!" I heard Jillian's voice exclaim behind us. I turned around and saw Lupe chasing Jillian and Chantel.

"Stop it!" Lupe hissed.

"Ro-" Lupe covered her mouth with her hand.

"Rowan, help us!" Chantel said, trying to get Lupe's hand off of Jillian's mouth.

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