Grinning I shake my head when I hear something heavy fall in the hallway.

My eyes widened and I backed away from the window, ignoring all their screaming.

My vision became blurred and I felt my heart thudding in my ears, the panic set in fast and it felt like I couldn't move. Like I was frozen in my spot.

I think most would call it shock, but I call it the Iliana brain dead stage where everything inside of me completely shuts down. It happens too often for it to be shock.

Whenever I find myself in stressful or life threatening situations it sets in.

My breathing came out heavy while I glanced around the room, trying to find another exit way because I wasn't ready to throw myself out the window.

I didn't believe I could fly

And I didn't want to touch the sky either so why the heck would I throw myself out my bedroom window. Sure it could save my life but I could end up paralyzed or crippled, I didn't want that.

Was I really arguing with myself


I ignore their shouts while trying to figure out my game plan but I was startled out of my thinking when my bedroom door was knocked down off the hinges.

Standing there with his messy locks of hair falling across his face, into his dark eyes that were now glowing a vibrant red.

"Please tell me you can help cause I'm kind of not really into this whole reality thing at the moment," I ramble before plastering a wide grin on my lips.

He stood there smirking before shaking his head, laughing while flashing his extended canines at me.

I rose an eyebrow before walking towards him, "How are we doing this?" I ask, locking eyes with him.

He growled deeply under his breath before stalking the rest of the way towards me, not stopping either but instead wrapping his arms around me tightly, securing me to his chest while walking the both of us towards the bedroom window.

"You can't be serious," I whisper out under my breath. But by the rumble that vibrated through his body I knew that he was.

He pushes the window open completely and dangles us off the ledge, his face remained blank as though he were trying to show that he was calm. While I on the other hand was thinking about every way this could go wrong.

Taking a deep breath I tightened my hold around him and buried my face deep into his bare chest.

"Now." His voice came out deep and raspy, before he threw us both out of the window.

We spun around in the air before landing on the ground. My eyes were shut and I waited a moment before slowly opening them, glancing down at Ben who took the fall for the both of us.

He lied there with his eyes closed and a look of distraught covering his face. Rolling off of him I kneel next to him before slapping lightly at his cheek.

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