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Taehee's Perspective

I had washed my face with ice cold water for more than five minutes, but my eyes were still red and puffy.

"It's ok" Soomi said, while patting my back.

I know she's just trying to comfort me, but she's not really helping.

"He's just a nerd" chimed in Ji Eun. These two are seriously bad at comforting people.

"Yeah. You're better than him. Tomorrow show up with a new boyfriend and show him off in front of Namjoon." Suggested Soomi.

"Great idea." Agreed Ji Eun. "I heard Jimin's single, so is Jungkook."

"They'll fall head over heals for you." Soomi assured.

"Thanks but I only want Namjoon." I smiled weakly at the two of them before walking to class.

Namjoon's Perspective

Has Taehee been... crying???

She took it that hard? Wow

She walked up to my desk and leaned over it in such a way, I almost threw up. She was not a prostitute and this was not a strip club. We are in school.

"Namjoon, are you sure you want to refuse my offer?"

I scoffed in disbelief.

"Yes, and now I need to bleach my eyes. This sight that I've encountered is worst than hell and I can't stand it." I replied to her while looking her straight in the eyes.

Her eyes grew wide in shock. Why wouldn't they?

"Why don't you love me?" She asked with a hoarse voice. She was on the verge of tears.

"Because I barely know you and now you're acting like a hoe on my desk. If you acted better, maybe I'll consider the thought of us together." I said innocently. "Until then, I need to find, high quality bleach to take all of this away."

"Oooooo..." I heard the faint voices of Jungkook and Hoseok before Taehee rushed out of the room. Tears have already flowed down her cheeks.

I turned around and looked at Yoongi and Jin, the most mature people I know. "Too much?" I asked innocently, with a cheeky smile.

"Just a little too much" Jin replied, while holding up his fingers about an inch apart.

"Wasn't too much." Answered Yoongi. "It was juuuuuust right" He added.

"That makes me feel better" I responded to the two of them.

Just then Jenny walked with a piece of candy in her hands. While she walked by my desk, I snatched the candy right from her hands.

Jenny's Perspective

Yum Yum in my tummy~

I unwrapped the delicious strawberry sweet and reached it to my mouth as I walked towards my desk.

The candy was just about to enter my mouth when all of a sudden it got SNATCHED OUT OF MY HAND!

I snapped my head to the right and my eyes caught the culprit red handed.

Namjoon inserted the sweet into his mouth and looked me right in the eyes and smirked.

"Thank you so much" he said and smiled devilishly at me. "How did you know they were my favorite?"

"If you don't spit that out right now then I will make you spit it out myself!" I yelled at him.

"Do you really want it? It has been in my mouth already."

"Jenny, please sit down. We're about to start class." The teacher spoke to me.

Great, she had to come in right now. Why is life so unfair????

"Please sit down, Jenny" Said Namjoon with his cheeky smile.

I gave Namjoon a death glare before making my way to my desk.

I swear, I love him, but I want to kill him so bad!

Class resumed as always, except this time I didn't listen at all. I was secretly planning how to kill Namjoon in my head.


The bell rang, signaling that class has ended.

"Jenny, if you want I'll buy you another candy" spoke up Jimin, interrupting my thoughts.

"No, no, it's ok" I assured him.

"Are you sure? You seemed pretty upset when Namjoon took yours."

"I'll be fine." I said with a smile.

"Ok" He smiled and walked along.

Just one more class and I get to go home! YESS!! Time to start counting down the seconds.

-Time Skip-

I was on my way home when I got a call from my mother.

She was crying. What was she crying about??

"Jenny" I heard her call out through sobs.

Hearing her cry tore my heart into pieces. It was painful.

"Yes mom" I answered calmly, I tried to stay calm so she could feel a sense of protection from my voice.

"Jenny, They broke into our house" She said as she broke into another crying fit.

"I'll be right there" I assured her as I hung up and ran my way home.

Who could it be? What did they take? What about my albums???? Those things are NOT CHEAP! I'll stab someone if they got even the slightest scratch on the packaging!

I ran home and when I got inside I couldn't believe my eyes.

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