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"Hey, you never know when you might need it." I said as embarrassment flushed over me.

"I'm pretty sure you're smart enough to know not do anything without protection" Namjoon replied, with a smile across his face.

"They haven't closed the doors yet, do you wanna go get breakfa- never mind, you wanna be prepared and go to the assembly. Go ahead, they're still letting people in."

Why is it so hard to hate him???

Namjoon's Perspective

I'm never letting this go. It's priceless! I should've token a picture!

HAHAHAHAHA!! Wow, I thought she was better than that.

She glared at me. Oh yeah I just told her to go to the assembly. She obviously wasn't really planning on going, she's such a bad liar.

Surprising how someone so simple can be so smart. Does she get private tutors or something? I bet she does.

"Relax, I'm kidding." I said to her.

"Yeah yeah, ok. Well I'm going to class now, so bye "

"Bye, then"

Wonder why she's going to class so early. Oh well, I have a social life that I have to get to. Time to go find my friends.

Jenny's Perspective

I'll just have to make my lonely walk to class. In all honesty, I do not have a social life. My only friends are my therapist and Haru, the girl who got shunned for getting pregnant 1 year before graduation.

Haru's really nice, actually. She actually got pregnant because of rape. People still thought of her as a slut, whore, etc. What a cruel world. Haru doesn't go to school anymore, but I visit her often and babysit her daughter a lot.

Anyways! I was walking to class, alone. When I got there, I really had nothing to do. So I just sat at my desk and put in my earbuds. I then put my head down and slowly fell asleep...

I was awoken by seven men-no boys. I was awoken by seven boys. Namjoon and his group of friends. Because he has a social life.

God, why are they so pretty????
They're prettier than me!

"OH SHE'S FINALLY AWAKE!!!" Shouted Taehyung. Why are they YELLING????????

"Finally!" Said Yoongi. At least he didn't yell.

"Morning, sleeping beauty." Said Namjoon as he pulled up a chair in front of me. He sat in it backwards so he was facing me.

Oh no. I'm blushing again.

"We have a test today, I hope you didn't forget about that too." Namjoon spoke again.

"Shit" I said under my breath.

"Hey, watch your language." Said Jin.
Even when he's scolding people he's pretty!! That's not even fair!

"Haha she actually forgot about the test!" Laughed out Hoseok.

"You are really forgetful, how do you stay top of the class?" Asked Namjoon.

" It's called intelligence, I've never studied a day in my life. I'm just naturally smart." I replied. Actually it's kind of true. I've never studied, yet I'm still incredibly smart.

Namjoon scoffed while turning his head to the right, just a bit.

"Anyway, we should really leave you and Jimin alone, I'm pretty sure he has lots to talk to you about." Spoke up Yoongi.

Jimin???? I've never said anything to Jimin in my life. The only reason I know him is because all seven of them are pretty popular.

All but one of the boys left. The only people in the room were me and Jimin.

"Jenny, I know we don't talk, but I just fell into a dark hole called love. I fell in love with your intelligence and your looks and the way you walk, and the way you can have a playful rivalry with Namjoon. Jenny, I really like you...
Will you go out with me?"

Oh shit. Park Jimin just asked me out?? What?? No, I must be dreaming. I looked straight into his eyes. They only showed anticipation and a certain hint of sparkle. What do I say? I really like Namjoon, but I'm pretty sure he'll never like me back.

"Sure" I said, softer than a whisper.

"Really?? You really will???" He asked while Hugging me and jumping up and down.

Ewwwww. I'm not a hugger. I don't like touching people actually. I guess I'll just have to get used to it.

"WOOHOO, JIMIN FINALLY GOT A GIRLFRIEND!!" Yelled out Jungkook as the rest of them poured into the classroom.

They all congratulated, Jimin and sat down in random chairs around the middle. The other students started walking into class. The assembly must be over.

A ton of kids walked in holding little shiny square packages. Wonder what they- never mind, I know what they are.

Multiple students ripped open their package and pulled out a condom. Why the hell is the school giving out CONDOMS????

One student walked in with his condom full of water. Oh no. I know exactly where this is going.

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