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Life sucks. Why is it so shitty?? What did I do to deserve this?? Did I do something terribly wrong in my past life?? Whyyyyyyyy??????

Today right before class began, I was running down the stairs. I had to go down six flights of stairs just to get to my class. ( I was making up a test from the day before). The bell was about to ring and and I had so much stairs to go down. I was running and all of a sudden, I fell down a FULL FLIGHT OF STAIRS! I fell right on my face!!

I thought no one was in the hallway since the bell was about to ring but all of a sudden I hear laughing. And being the stalker I am, I knew who it belonged to. KIM NAMJOON!!



Me and Namjoon were in a sort of a rivalry. We were both the smartest in every subject, and we'd do anything just to be better than each other.

Honestly, I like him. I've liked him since I saw him the first time. Who wouldn't? He's smart and funny and looks great in anything he wears, even if he has a terrible fashion sense.

But right now, I did not like him. He'll use this as a way to get at me.
" Oh look it's Jenny. The girl who can't walk down a flight of stairs"!!!! AGH!!! ( agitated yelling)

Why did he have to come up now????

"Hey, Jenny. Are you ok?" He managed to ask through laughter.

My face was such a deep color of red, I couldn't even describe how unnatural it looked.

"Yeah" I mumbled, so quietly it was a wonder he heard it.

"Here" he said as he offered his hand to help me up. " How do you manage to fall down the stairs like that?" He asked, as he fought back laughter.

"I was in a hurry, and I was running, and I must've slipped or, or, or something" I said it so fast, I was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to understand. Why was I such a nervous wreck??? I was stuttering and my face was still unnaturally red, both from the fall and from blushing.

"You should be more careful next time" he replied while helping me up.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Thanks, by the way" I said to him. Thank God I didn't stutter this time. "Hey, why aren't you in class?" I asked while my mind still pondered over the question.


The bell rang before he answered, but he didn't seem in a hurry to go to class.

"There's an assembly today, optional of course, class won't start 'til another thirty minutes. I don't see why you were in such a hur- No no, don't tell me you- YOU FORGOT DIDN'T YOU????"

He again broke down into a laughing fit.

Great. Just great. I was in a hurry for nothing. I should really start listening to announcements. How could I forget?? Now I'm really embarrassed.

"I didn't forget, I just wanted to make it to the assembly on time." I lied. Anything to get this embarrassment away.

"Yeah, sure, because you wanna go to an STD prevention assembly. Okaaaay" He said than laughed again.

God, his laugh is so heavenly. Wait wth mind??? Get out of there!

My face again grew with embarrassment.

"Hey you never know when you might need it" I said just to make up an excuse.


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