Episode ♛3♛

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Nervously adjusting her sunglasses , Y/N walked among the crowd of people wearing a black hoodie with the hood pulled over her head and white tank top underneath the zipped hoodie along with grey jeans and black low top sneakers . 

A black scarf was wrapped around her neck and pulled up a bit higher in order to cover the lower part of her face , an attempt at hiding her identity from the CODEX game users and for them to not memorize her face . 

The (E/C) eyes hidden behind the sunglasses darted around searchingly , scanning every single person's face passing her . But so far , none of the people that passed by were suspicious . Thankfully , that either means that the users have yet to arrive or she had yet to encounter any of them . 

Y/N was leaning more towards the latter .

Letting a sigh escape her lips , she hurriedly walked towards the elevator , garnering weird glances from people for her choice of clothing as it was still summer and the weather was hot , who the hell would wear long sleeved clothes along with a scarf in the middle of such a hot day ?

Pressing the button in order to summon the elevator , Y/N stuffed her hands back inside the hoodie's pockets . She felt a bit sweaty , especially on the nape and the neck since a scarf was covering them . But Y/N has to bear with it if she wants to try hiding her identity . 

The sound of the elevator arriving and opening already caught her attention as she stepped inside the elevator quietly but in a quick pace , glancing at the buttons of the floors and choosing the third floor since it was the food section . 

" Heading to the food section as well ? " a sweet and warm voice reached her ears , causing her to look towards the owner of the voice slightly startled , Y/N having not sensed her presence in the elevator beside her . It was a fair-skinned woman that looked to be either in her late teens or early twenties , but probably the latter since she was wearing a professional work outfit . 

She had a light brown chin-length hair with a few strands being a few shades darker and bangs covering her forehead , almond shaped light blue eyes framed by lashes with a black eyeliner around them , a low bridge nose and petal lips that were painted in a red lipstick .

The brown haired woman was wearing a pencil black skirt that reaches above her knees and white long sleeved shirt that hugged her form; C-cup chest , flat stomach . With the sleeves rolled up to the elbows and the first few buttons open . On her feet were a pair of black sling back heels . 

The woman was also holding a few thick files in her left hand , on her lips was a warm and friendly smile , her eyes framed by lashes looking kind . 

Y/N felt a bit relaxed in her presence despite her being a stranger . The woman just looked friendly and kind , it was ..weirdly relaxing ? . 

Clearing her throat and adjusting her voice to be a bit deeper , " Yes , the fast food restaurants . " She replied , glancing at the woman . 

The woman tilted her head , a concerned expression on her face , " Right , you shouldn't eat too much from the fast food restaurants , they aren't healthy . " The stranger advised her in a motherly tone . 

Y/N was strangely reminded of the times when her mother used to scold her about eating the vegetables that she used to hate . 

Before their conversation could keep going , the elevator arrived at their chosen destination , the third floor . " It seems like we have arrived .." The woman muttered aloud with a smile before the elevator doors opened automatically . 

Stepping out of the elevator , Y/N glanced towards the blonde haired woman , only to be startled again when the woman that she had glanced away from for only a few seconds suddenly wasn't there . As if she had disappeared . 

Confused , Y/N glanced around , only to end up with empty results . She couldn't spot the woman anywhere else . 

Sighing , she decided to brush it off as she was too busy now . Grabbing her phone out of her pocket , the same page that she had been staring at all the time on the way to the mall greeted her eyes again .

                  ⌾ RIDDLE TIME ! [ 1 ] ;

⍟ You saw me where I never was and where I could not be. And yet within that very place, my face you often see. What am I? ⍟


Furrowing her eyebrows , Y/N with a thoughtful expression started thinking deeply as she leaned against the wall beside the elevator . Now that she had arrived at her destination , she couldn't still figure out the answer to the riddle . 

Y/N was sure that the answer was simple , and it was right on the tip of her tongue but she couldn't figure it out . You saw me where i never was and where i could not be ..and yet within that very place , my face you often see ..

Looking up from the screen , Y/N's lips tugged downwards in displeasure . She was sure that it's simple , making her feel stupid that she can't find the answer . 

Looking down at the screen , she turned it off leaving the screen dark and for her reflection to meet her eyes . Reflection ..

Eyes widening , " Your Reflection ! " she accidentally shouted , feeling incredibly dumb for not figuring it out earlier . Her shout attracted the attention of some the people who were passing by , giving her a dirty look for her startling shout . 

An embarrassed blush spread over her cheeks as she scratched the back of her hoodie sheepishly, realizing that she had disturbed the other people . But still ..her excitement couldn't be tuned down as she had finally found the answer ! Now ..

All she has to do was find which counter the screen was hidden beneath .. Glancing up , Y/N's heart sped up as she walked towards the fast food section , several restaurants attracting her attention , more specifically the counters . And plans of how to get in ran through her mind , 

Without looking like a lunatic , if possible . And of course without gaining the attention of any of the other CODEX users .

She was unaware of the pair of eyes that were glued to her form , interest and intrigue glinting in these eyes . 


The update is very late , i know . But i will update again next week , that's a promise ! And i surely will not break a promise . 

CODEX Text || Yandere [Male] X Reader/Oc ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz