Come to me

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Hello my new chapter, you are supposed to be just the way I want you to

Everything should follow my wish, do as I say, be what I want

Come to me when I want you

Come to me when I need you

Come whenever you miss me, whenever I whisper your name

Hear my prayers; they arecalling for you

Follow my fallen feathers, together we'll rise again

Come near get closer, let me breathe again

Can't you hear my silent cries, you've always had

Can't you see how much I need you?

It's so lonely here, come and never leave me again

I'm lost so lost without you

Without your sparkling spirit

I miss you and it hurts to admit 

It hurts to remember how much I miss you

It hurts to remember how much I need you, how much I've been try to deny the fact that you aren't here...

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