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I tried and tried I really did

The months that passed,the lonely nights I had

I said nothing and carried on

I wasn't sad,or angry..I felt defeated

I knew I could do nothing to fix it

I cut myself out of everything around and everyone around me

A little bird walked in a cage by her free will

I cut off the wings and gave them to you so you could fly

Just so I could see you smile

And now what? It's falling apart

Everything is,can't I just have a peaceful silence?

You can keep my wings,but let me walk

I'm not going to walk away,but I did what I could

What about me? Have you thought about my life?

You told me to go and carry on

To continue what I started

You said "Go,I'm here . Don't worry"

I tried and tried I really did

But it's falling apart,and this

So hard for me,when you make look like me a selfish person

I did everything for you,I thought you would too

But I forgot once a selfish always a selfish

You have always been one

You can keep my wings

Cause I'll walk and this time away from you.

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