Loving you

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A free ticket to hell,but hell looked like heaven

Loving you wasn't just hard,it was beyond her abilities but she managed to

To love you,she had to break every rule she knew

She had to suffer for things she never did and would never do

Why though?

Weren't you the one who fell in love with her first?

Weren't you the one who wanted to be the prince with the white horse?

But what did you do for that love? Nothing.

You did nothing for her,for the sake of the love you claimed to have

For making it better,for better chances in the future

Nothing and it was frustrating

How she was willing to do everything for you and how you were sitting watching your own life like a Tv show

I don't blame her for leaving but I blame you for making her love you

For invading her mind,for surrounding her with your eyes

For making her deaf to everyone and everything except for the voice of yours

You didn't deserve her and her love but she gave it to you
Without asking for anything in return..you messed up

But you know,if you truly love her
You will get it back together,you will draw that smile on her face again

First step to it,tell her that you love her.

A true love not a crush that will be expired in few months.

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