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Let's be honest here and admit the truth

The truth of us being wrong and them being right 

I think we broke a record,cause this happened so fast and everything is moving fast 

We aren't supposed to get along,not like least not by this rate

But here we are,within less than one month

Acting like old friends,caring about each other just like how family members do (sometimes more..)

We all are afraid,afraid of how things might end

How can we know what's right? how can remember our boundaries?

The ones they set

Can we actually make things work? Can we prove that they were wrong?

I hope this  dream won't turn into a nightmare

You are too good to be real,we are too good to be here

Maybe it's fate,that brought us there

Maybe it's meant for us to meet and share this feeling

Let's be honest here,we are supposed to be strangers.

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