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What happens when you find your old songs,your old self

The darkness,being alone,listening to the songs you used to love

The songs that once pleased you,you were content

Someone was saying out loud what you felt but not just that

In those songs pain was justified , like someone knew exactly what was wrong

In those songs you weren't alone,but what about your new play list?

I mean..aren't you the same person who chose them?

Maybe no,we all changed in one way or another

Here I am listening to them,sitting in the darkness and I can feel it embracing me

Not so tight or a suffocating one ,a gentle embrace that's barely there

Light as the air,warm and sweet just like the taste of the marshmallows in your mug

So you let it in,you let the music play and you listen

You listen to them over and over and your tears roll down

Are you sad? no,maybe..honestly no one knows the answer

Enjoy this,enjoy the darkness

Learn how to enjoy everything,even when you fall

You can enjoy it down there,where you will see and learn new stories

New tells about people who once reached the top

You can enjoy the view from down there,the sky looks prettier

Yes,maybe the world looks bigger but you aren't as small as you think

Listen to the last minute of the last drop of its rain

Enjoy the silence.

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