Chapter 17

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 hey everyone. so sorry i havent updated. ive had writers block for forever plus school is a drag. and i got a job... then lost it... long story.... but yeah. oh and i got a puppy. he has to be watched constantly because he likes to chew things up. heres chapter 17!

Just standing there, staring at him, was all I could do. My mind was so blocked up with constant things running through my head that I couldn’t even make since of my own thoughts. My eyes were locked with his, but before I knew it, my body was moving and I was walking towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into his shirt. I could feel my body shaking, my breathing unstable, and my eyes burning. I was crying.

Liam wrapped his arms around me, dropping the flowers to the floor. He held me tight as I continued crying, laughing quietly to himself and petting the back of my head.

“I missed you too babe.” He giggles causing me to laugh.

We stood there, holding each other and slowly rocking back and forth when I heard people talking.

“What's going on here? Why is Keara crying? Is she okay? Who is that?” I could hear my mother ranting in the back. Emily began talking to my mother as I pulled away from Liam and began wiping my eyes, laughing at myself for crying over this.

Turning, I took in my surroundings. Gemma was seated at the bottom of the stairs, along with Harry, who had a huge grin planted on his face as he glanced at me, winking before turning away to grab Emily’s hand. Emily was stood next to the railing, her mother and father stood behind her, smiling at Harry. To her left were my parents, looking amused. My father had his hand placed around my mother’s waist, her arms wrapped around my father’s torso.

Liam steps away from me, approaching my parents to greet them. I begin to walk towards them, but was stopped abruptly by a tall figure with a giant smirk on their face, their arms crossed over their chest as if saying “I am the greatest person in the world and everyone who crosses my path should bow down before my greatness.”

“What do you want Harry?” I cross my arms across my chest, tapping my foot impatiently. I quickly glance over his shoulder to see my mother hug Liam quickly and my father pat him across the shoulder. They begin to usher him away, but not before he steals a glance back at me, winking.

“Big surprise huh?” he replies, rocking back and forth on the heels of his feet, and raising his eyebrows in a suggestive manor.

I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face. “Yeah, it was wasn’t it?” He may not admit it, but I know it was him who helped Liam plan this, and for that, I owe him. But for now, I turn and walk away.


“I hate you. I hate you, Harry Styles.” Emily mutters from her hiding spot behind Harry’s shoulder.

Summer and Gemma we both lying in a heap of blankets on the floor, their backs propped up to the edge of the couch while a large bowl of popcorn sits in between them. Harry and Emily were sitting on the right side of the couch, Harry sitting on the edge, laughing, and Emily practically clawing her way behind him. Gemma turns around, smacking Harry frantically wherever she can reach, shushing him. I sit on the left side of Emily, a small gap in between us, while Liam—still dressed in his suit just without a jacket, but looking as gorgeous—sits to my left. I'm not a big fan of scary movies, and when Harry and Gemma suggested watching this, I wasn’t going to sit there and act like a chicken. No. I was determined to sit and watch the entire movie without screaming bloody murder, as I normally do in these cases.

We’re about halfway through the movie and I have held my ground so far. But nothing has really happened yet, and I am dreadfully anticipating it. This kind of movie is one of the types where the first half is just showing the information. Mainly where the characters are introduced, and the audience begins to decipher who or what they trust to be the “good guys” or who may be the “bad guys”. It's the kind of movie where BAM! the scary part has started.

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