Chapter two

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Chapter Two

There are sometimes when you wake up in the morning feeling alive. I can't remember the last time I had such luxury; over the years I've been
waking up with Nightmares and it's always the same old thing, Seeing my dad raping me. This Saturday morning wasn't any different and I felt worse than before, I felt guilty and I knew why. I needed to reconcile with Akin. I had enough troubles already in my life and the last thing I need is to push the only person that brings light

to my dark existence; I staggered towards my reading table searching for my phone, hoping

that when I find it I will be able to call Akin; it's been two days since our encounter and I didn't

have the guts to call or text. I was scared of being blown off; I slowly rustled through my books which laid scattered on the table, I had watched a movie the Night before so I was

certain my phone wasn't the last thing I

touched before sleeping off. I sat down for a while, using my palms to rub my face; it was January in Kwara and that meant harmattan so

my palms and face felt so dry . I had to gather my thoughts I knew I am careless but I am quite
certain that the phone is right here in this house, I just had to get over this hangover. I could hear it ring in a distance it's vibration making a buzz sound, I jumped up ; this call was my only chance to find it and I hoped that the

caller doesn't stop; following the sound and

buzz I found it in a shoe a very old shoe and I

have no idea how it got there but now I didn't

call; I was glad I found it before the went dead

because I would never have found it in that

shoe. I checked my notifications bar 2 missed

calls from numbers I wasn't familiar with and

tons of social media notifications; ironically I

am a social media influencer and an introvert in

real life.

I called back and the person at the other end

picked it after 2 rings

"hello" I said

"hello " I said again, I could hear the person breath. I hung up, I wasn't in the mood for those occasional prank calls who wanted to flirt

but I had a very good feeling that it was Akin. I prayed silently that it was him. Just as I scrolled through my Instagram notifications a message

came in through SMS "are you home" and it

was from Akin ; I felt panic and nervous; if he

was on his way then he'd find me in this mess!

My breath was horrible, the house was in a

mess. I picked my broom and started sweeping

, as I swept I used my other hand to reply "yes,

I will be available in 30 minutes" as the phone

gave me a message sent pop up I felt stupid,

what if he didn't intend to come, why would I

tell him I would be available in 30minutes.

I had just finished combing my hair when a

knock came on my door, as I walked towards it

"who's there! " I shouted,

"the slap victim" Akin replied. I was impressed with myself for how fast I had cleared the room and gotten ready in 15 minutes; that was a new personal record. I was overwhelmed with excitement knowing Akin had forgiven me, as I open the door to let him in, I noticed he looked nervous, I drew closer and kissed him deeply
not minding my neighbor who stood across the hall staring rudely. After the kiss, Akin looked more shocked than when I slapped him.

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