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It was a fair few months from when nova told gale that he was gonna be a dad...

No ones POV:

" gale hurry the fuck up!! She's here!!" Nova growled one hand on her stomach and the other holder her up against the wall she was in excruciating pain. The baby decided to come a week early, gale rushed out helping nova outside where the ambulance had just pulled up, nova got in as gale became a shadow and got to the hospital.

" sorry redfox.. you'll hafta wait outside for a while.." the doctor said as the wheeled nova into a room while gale leant up against the wall and waited anxiously, Laxus, Mira, Gajeel, levy and viper came soon after to see gale pacing with his face slightly pale.

" she'll be fine.." Mira said putting a hand on gales shoulder, he let out an anxious sigh as he heard nova screaming. After a couple minuets a baby's cry rang out as gale let out a sigh of relief.

Gales POV:
Geez.. I'm about to pass out from this stress.. the nurse came to get me, I followed her into he room to see nova sitting up holding our baby girl in her arms, I couldn't help but smile as I sat on the chair next to the bed, nova smiled.

" what's her name?" She asked, I smiled gently, we actually hadn't thought of what to name her, we both thought as she opens her big purple eyes, I smiled.

" Amethyst.. " nova smiled and rested her head on my shoulder as our little girl looked up at us and held out her tiny hands. A couple hours after people where aloud in, dad came and put his hands on my shoulders and mom and viper stood next to him, Laxus and Mira stood on the other side of the bed smiling gently.

" what's her name?" Viper asked tilting her head slightly.

" amethyst.." nova said looking down at the sleeping baby in her arms, we all smiled, after about her couple hours nova needed to rest and the baby would me tested and check to see if she was healthy. We all said our goodbyes as I became a shadow racing across the ground back to line and nova's house, once I got there I reappeared and walked to our bedroom passing the baby room on the way, I stopped and smiled looking at all the purples, greens and pinks decorating the room, I continued to our room as I stripped off my shirt and flopped onto our bed instantly falling asleep.

I woke up the next day quickly having a shower and getting changed, I made a quick breakfast then went up to the hospital. For a second last night I had thought all this was a dream..

" morning mr redfox, your wife's room has been changed, she is now N320." The receptionist said sweetly, I smiled and thanked her before walking to nova's room, when I opened the door she was laying in bed watching the tv.

" hey babe.." I said as I walked over to her she looked over and smiled.

" hey.. you came early." Nova said as she put a hand on my abs as I stood next to the bed, I put my hand on top of hers gently as a nurse came in with amethyst in a cot, I smiled as I sat down now at nova's level.

" here you go.." the nurse said softly as she picked up amethyst gently putting her in my arms, I looked down at our baby girl and smiled softly.

" she's perfect.." I kissed nova's forehead.

" we have ran some tests with little amethyst and also found that she will become a dragon slayer like both of you.." the nurse smiled as nova's jaw dropped.

" could you tell what kind?" I asked looking up at the nurse, the nurse sighed and shook her head.

" I'm sorry.. we don't have the technology to tell a baby's magical power, but the magic energy she has from this young age is off the charts.." nova and I looked at each other then down to amethyst who had opened her big purple eyes. I smiled gently.

" it will be a nice surprise to find out.. thankyou.." I said looking back up to the nurse as she nodded and walked out of the room. I passed amethyst over to nova and sat facing her, after a while there was a knock on the door and it opened, it was mom, dad, Mira and Laxus. I smiled as they walked in.

" viper is busy with her boyfriend.." dad growled slightly. I raised my eyebrow at  him as amethyst let out a tiny high pitch growl. I turned to look that amethyst was reaching up her hands. Nova chuckled and passed amethyst over to me so everyone could get a better look.

" damn I feel old.." Laxus sighed watching his daughters child in my arms, I chuckled softly as amethyst gripped onto my finger as she looked around at the blurry figures before her.

Time skip to a couple months after.

No ones POV:

It had been a couple months since amethyst was born and things had started to settle down, she was a quiet baby, and some of the other members of the next gen team had kids too. Storm and Luna ended up getting married and having a little girl, reiki and Nash had a kid, well they didn't actually physically "have" a kid but both of their genes where put into the kid so technically they are the biological fathers. Sing and rogues son hooked up with Sylvia and are now married, Rin is the bachelor of the next gen team, already having six different girlfriends... and it's all been good news.. well so far..

Omg!! I haven't updated in like sooo long!! I've been so slack!! Anyway this is the second last chapter of this story!! I'll try and write a long one for the end!!

The Next Generation [Fairy Tail]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang