10 years freeze

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Mwhahah I left chu on Le cliffhanger!!

Levy's POV:
It's been 10 years since I've seen Gajeel and gale..
fairy tail had sent out each and every guild member to try and find them.. none prevailed..
Viper was 17 now.. gale would be 23..

" hey mom I'm going to the guild!" Viper called out, she was very beautiful, long dark cherry red hair.. hourglass body, emerald green eyes.. she also has shape shifter magic, much like the saturass siblings, but vipers consisted of poisonous animals.

" alright sweetie! Have fun." I called, I was deciphering a book for a job that just came in and was asking for me. A lot has changed in the guild last time the boys where here.. there was another guild war with a dark guild, I had become an S class wizard and had joined the magic council, and the guild has become bigger and even stronger than before.
after an hour I heard viper sprint back into the house and run up the stairs.

" mom.. guild.. now!" Vipers face was slightly pale, I got up and we both sprinted to the guild.

" wanna fill me in?" I said, I was used to running now, after training for the S class wizard trials and being a council member I had learned and mastered a few skills.

" storm and rin where on a job and came back with two men frozen in ice.. they are still alive but the ice is enchanted and they needed you to rewrite it.." viper said as we turned the corner and ran into the fairy tail court yard, viper kicked the doors open as we both ran inside to the infirmary where everyone was crowded, viper hissed and everyone made a path for the both of us, I looked at the two men trapped in the ice..

" Gajeel... and... gale?" I felt tears running down my face as I got straight to work. Gajeel had more scars, one through his bottom lip and multiple on both of his arms, gale's hair was longer and darker than before, he had some discoloration running from the bottom of his right eye streaming down his neck and supposably down his torso.
I finally finished and read the spell aloud, then I signaled Natsu to do a fire dragon roar on the ice and gray to do an ice demon rage, once the steam cleared the ice was gone and Gajeel and gale where starting to wake up, other than the wounds they didn't look much older.
Instantly gale was alarmed and his hands turned to iron claws standing up as guarding his father, I looked at him as my hands flew over my mouth, Gajeel woke up and our eyes instantly locked onto each other.

" levy..?" His voice was soft..

" Gajeel.." I said back as he sprung up and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back.

" m-mom!!" Gale yelled and joined the group hug, the guild roared out with cheers as viper stood there confused.

" what's happened to you both?!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face, I couldn't control it now..

" we had fought the war and where in our way back when we got ambushed by josè.. I killed him but the rest of his dark guild had beaten us and threw us into the Antarctic river.. and of course freezing us.." Gajeel explained as he sat back down on the end of the bed obviously in pain, gale stood, still cautious of the many people surrounding.

" I see.. well.. since you beat josè... it's been ten years since.." I said, they both looked at me surprised.

" we've been in that ice for ten years?" Gale said crossing his arms slightly shivering, I nodded. Just as we fell into a comfortable silence nova returned from her mission, she was now cold and short tempered, anyone who tried to talk to her would get a dark glare from her once happy sky blue eyes, to a deep cyan ones.. she took one look at gale and her whole body stopped.

" nova?" Gale squinted his eyes slightly as he turned his head, Gajeel looked at her as well.

" who are these two?" Nova snapped out of her trance pushing past the surrounding guild members walking right up to gale who was at least a head taller than her, Gale showed his deep red guild mark on his shoulder, gale and nova where in a silence as they where intensely staring each other down, Gajeel stood up next to me as he watched nova closely.

The Next Generation [Fairy Tail]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ