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"I really hate him."

"You sure?"

I frowned at him at the sudden change. he should've encouraged me to hate him more "You're right. I dont hate him. I pity him."

"Pity him for what?" My curiosity bubbling up

"I pity him for loving a person like me , who's too selfish , who loves him when he was starting to let go of me. To be honest , Park Jimin was , at first , just a distraction from reality. I pushed myself to love him."

I watched him as he chug another bottle before he continued

"And I think that was the reason why we broke up. Because I realized too late , I learned to love him too late , because he knew I just used him."

"Used him from what , yoongi?"

"I used him to forget my feelings for someone I shouldnt be in love with" I smiled instinctively , when in reality I want to slap my mouth for babbling such nonsense

"feelings for whom , yoongi?" My heart skipped a beat , small beads of sweat formed on my forehead.

"I need to go to the restroom"

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