Chapter 2: Death of me

Start from the beginning

I tilted my head. "Tony, what are you really saying?"

He was quiet, then :

"Steve trusted me, he trusted me to put his country in a safe place. I was suppose to take care if it. He told me in his message."

He stood up and wabbled. "But how the fuck am I suppose to keep his country safe when it's turning to shit? This...this planet is basically killing itself." he looked at me, eyes sharper and focused. "You want me to talk? You want me stop...drinking? Fix my problems, then we'll talk." he took another drink.

I stood and grabbed the bottle. "Do you really think that drinking is the way to handle your problems? You can ask for help, Tony."

He looked at me. "Help? I tried asking, but I caused a Civil fucking War by doing that."

He turned, quickly, and went to the opposite side if the room to grab another bottle. 

"Mason wouldnt apporve you of doing this."

he stopped, and I did too. 

Her name, which I'm sure he hasn't heard in months, which I'm sure hasn't even been said in this house, echoed off the walls.

Wheezy came in, bounding happily at hearing her humans name. She was getting old, both sides of her greying. Her brown eye was starting to match her blue one, a sign of going blind.

Tony sucked in a deep breath. "Don't. Don't say her name." he wouldn't look at me.

It was cruel of me, but I know I had to. A pain shot through me chest at saying her name but I had to save Tony.

"Mason," I said. "Mason would see you doing this, she would come in here and see your drinking because she's gone, and slap you. She would see your mourning over a fact that cannot be change and literally beat the shit out of you."

"Stop it, Peter." His voiced cracked on Peter. He was leaning on the bar now, his only thing holding him to earth.

I couldnt.

I knew if Mason saw me doing this to her dad she would castrate me. But then she would think I was right, even if she won't say it.

I stepped towards him, putting my hand on his shoulder. He was shaking.  "Mason, she would yell at you, she would take all your scotch and dump it in the Hudson river. She would lock you in a plan room until all the alcohol was out of your systeam and then some. "

I paused, then: "She would be the  Dean Winchester to your Sammy Winchester when he was addicted to demon blood."

Tony suddenly turned, and I felt pressure and a ache on my cheek. It sting, and I had to step back a few places. 

His fist was lowering, red knuckles. " don't know anything. She wouldnt. She would make me watch Supernatural with her, and she would have me work for hours straight. She would be pissed I've given up my projects. "

He walked out of the room.


He hated this area with a powerful rage.

"Fucking A." the agent said.

"Join Sheild, they said. It'll be worth the credit, they said."

He walked in the 'Refrigerator', a room holding the bodies of the dead.

"Worth it my ass."

All he was able to do was poke at some dead bodies. Granted, it's good for him since he wants to be a scientist but he really thinks that he doesnt need to look at bodies that are dead.

The little agent had Red hair and was 25. He was short for his age, and since this was his 5th year of collge it was fine.

He worked will Sheild a few years ago. With Mason Stark, really. She was teaching him how to hack into government files.

Ironically, he's checking the room her body is actully in.

He walked past the long room, only 4 walls with bodies inside what seemed like filing cabinets.

Then he felt it.

There was a heat emitting from one of them. A very hot heat. He could see the lines that it gave off.

He dropped his clipboard, pen clinking on the floor, and walked slowly towards it.

He looked at the name.

Stark, E. Mason

oh shit.

He grabbed the handle, flinching at the heat. His fingers were surly going to burn.

The file cabinet flooshed open at a stroung pull.

The heat intesifed, and he looked at the body of Mason Stark.

It was glowing a dim lit. Red flowed through her brains, a large amount in her heart and lung area. Her head was a tomato of red.

Her eye lashes were fluttering.

" god..." he said.

Then, on impulse, he shut the cabinet.

It was a secret, he knew that.

It wasn't suppose to be found.

He walked out the room, locking it. He was going to Fury to ask for permenat surveillance of this section. Of this room.

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