Chapter 25

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"What?!" I said wide eyed and pushing him away.

"Whats wrong," he asked.

"I can't... can you go please," I said pushing him away and walking to towards the front door to let him out.

He looked at me concerned and then walked out the door i heard him say, "I'm sorry," before he walked out. I slammed the door shut.

I can't do this with him, I'm not ready to be all lovey dovey with anyone especially not Ian. I like him I like him a lot but this is way to soon.

After all my thoughts past I hear my phone buzz. It was a message from Ian.

Are you ok

I replied with

I'm fine I just need some space:) I gtg ttyl

I hung up my and decided to go back to bed.

I woke up an hour later I checked my phone and I had a message from Jade.

Hey can I come over and hang?

Yeah what time do you want to come over

How bout in like 10 minutes?

Sure come on over

10 minutes past and I heard a knock at my door I got up to go greet Jade.

"Hey babe," she said opening her arms for a hug.

"Hey," I smiled and hugged her.

We walked over to the couch to sit and watch tv.

"Soo, Ian told me that he tried to kiss you and then you kicked him out?" she said raising her eyebrows and smiling.

"Umm," I stuttered, "It was nothing."

"He didn't make it sound like nothing... he likes you, do you like him?" she asked with curiosity.

"Well... yeah I mean he's nice," I couldn't seem to form my words to make an actual sentence.

"Then why did you kick him out?"

"Cause I'm not emotionally ready for a relationship! I-I just c-can't right now."

"Well... why?"

"I got out of a bad relationship at the beginning of the year before I transferred here, so I just really don't want to get in a relationship, discussion over," I said covering myself up with a blanket and turning on the tv. 

"Okay, do you want me to tell him that?"

"Sure I don't care."

"Okay!!" she said smiling widely as she pulled out her phone.

"UHH!!" I gasped, "do you wanna have a dance party?"

"Can I invite Alice and the guys?" she said clasping her hands together.

"Sure!! I just really wanna dance right now!!" I said jumping off the couch.

"I'll group text them now."

About a 15 minutes past and everyone was here and I blasted the music we also decided to do karaoke.

"Cause you are a piece of me I wish I didn't need chasen relentlessly, I still fight and I don't know why!" I sang and I looked at Ian for the last verse.

"If our loves tragedy why are you my remedy; if our loves insanity why are you my clarity."

When I was done I got down off of the coffee table and walked over to Jade and Jake.

"So how was that?" I said smiling.

"That was freaking amazing you should go on The Voice or American Idol," Jake said smiling.

"Yeah that was great I literally can't sing to save my life," Jade laugh.

"Damn Reed you got some lungs!!" Jacob said swinging his arm around my shoulder.

"OMG!!! I just got the greatest idea!!"

I Need YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz