Chapter 2

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"Excuse me? What the hell did you just say to me?!" I looked up to try and make eye contact with the person I ran into, but instead I continued to make eye contact with a rock hard chest, I soon found out that he was surrounded by a couple other super attractive tall dudes, i'm guessing they were his friends.

The guy I ran into was a freaking giant, a freaking attractive giant! He was probably about 6'6, and me standing there at 5'1 and a half and made me hit right at his chest. But no matter how attractive he was, nobody talks to me like that.

"You heard me, I said--" I cut him off.

"Hold up one second asshole! Just because I run into your stupid ass doesn't mean you get to yell at me and call me a dumbass! SO WHY DON'T YOU TAKE THAT STICK THATS SHOVED SO FAR UP YOUR ASS AND PULL IT OUT AND THEN LEARN SOME FUCKING MANNERS!" I heard his friends snicker, so much for keeping a low profile.

"Who do you think you're talking to." He asked

"I don't know about you but I think I'm talking to a cocky asshole who's ego is way to big unlike your dick." I smirked internally at my comment.

"Ha, you must be new here so you must not know who I am, so I'll let this one slide." He said with a smirk.

"Ok, so I don't really care the hell you are, but I do know that you need to learn how to treat people, later Beanstalk." I said as I flipped my hair and walked away I heard his friends burst out laughing.

"What just happened?" I heard him say I smirked to myself as I walked away.

I walked into my first period class and picked a desk that was at the very back of the class, and as I sat down at the desk I picked, class started. The teacher was so boring, he called me up to introduce myself because I am new, in the middle of me introducing myself when someone walked in to class with his three other friends, and it was non other than Beanstalk himself. Great, this is not gonna be fun.


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