Chapter 19

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I don't know how long it was before I woke up... but when I was woke up I saw that it was 1 o'clock at in the morning, so I have been asleep for about 30 minutes; Ian was still holding on to my waist. He was so cute when he was asleep; I tried to get out of his; I got out of his arms and headed for the door, then I heard movement coming from the bed and before I knew it Ian was in front of the door blocking my exit.

"Where do you think your going?" he asked smirking.

"Um I'm going down stairs."

"Awww, come on why can't you just cuddle with me for a little longer? My head hurts, my tummy hurts and I need to be hugged," he said pouting.

"I don't care... Now MOVE."

I tried to shove him out of the way but failed; he ended up catching me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"AHHH!! Put me down," I said hitting his back.

"Nope I want to cuddle," he said as he threw me on the bed.

Ian then climbed on top of me and laid his head on my stomach.

"WHY!! Why do you act like you're a freaking baby?" I asked him trying to push him off.

"Stop squirming... I'm not getting off," he said bluntly, "your very comfy to lay on."

"Are you calling me fat?" I said in a valley girl voice.

"WHAT? No, no, no that's not what I meant..."

"I was just kidding," I laughed, "Hey can I ask you something?"

I looked down and noticed he fell back asleep. I wiggled out of his grip and I walked to the living room leaving Ian asleep on my bed.

"HUHH!!! Alex is back YAY!!!" Alice said as she rocked back and forth in criss-cross applesauce.

"YAAY!!" They all said in unison.

"Where did you go?" Jacob asked.

"I feel asleep accidentally in my room."

"With Ian?" Jake asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"WH-WHA-WHAT?!? N-NO," I blushed.

"Oh don't be shy, what happened" Ethan poked my arm.

"Nothing he just attacked me and wouldn't let go," I defended myself.

"HaHA!! That's funny," Jade chuckled.

"Shut up!!" I hissed.

"Hehehehe," Alice giggled.

I got up and jumped on Jade and Alice.

"OFT!! OWWW, get off," they whined.

"Hey... I want to join," I turned around seeing Ian about to pounce on us.

"Wait!! N-n-n-n-NO... AHHH!!" we said in unison as Ian jumped on us.

"Ugh!! You fat ass get off!!" Alice yelled at him.

"I'm not fat!! Ethan, Jake get over here," he yelled motioning them to come over.

"Ok," they said running over to join the dog pile.

"Oww, I can't breath GET OFF!!" I screamed at them gasping for air punching all three of the boys in the back.

"Sorry, sorry," they said getting off.

"I. Hate. You. Guys," I said trying to regain my breath.

"Hey guys I don't feel so good anymore," Alice said clutching her stomach.

My eyes grew wide I jumped up and sprinted to the kitchen to grab the trash can, right when she was about to loose it I stuck her head into the trash can; there is no way I'm letting someone puke on my floor.

I looked up to see everyone backed up in the corner.

"Puke... um... no thanks," Ian said pulling Jacob in front of him.

"Babies," I said sticking out my tongue.

I held Alice's hair back to keep her from getting puke in it.

"Here... I'll take it from here," Ethan said coming up behind me and taking my place, "It's ok baby."

"I'm gonna go shower, i'll be right back," I said pointing to the upstairs bathroom.

"Can I come?" Jade asked raising her hand.

"WHAT!!? No you drunk moron," I slapped her arm.

"You're mean," she slurred her words.

I went upstairs to get in the shower; I brushed threw my hair and took off all my clothes.

I then turned the water to a nice and warm setting and just sat there. After like 5 minutes I got up and started washing my hair and body.

After about 20 minutes I got out of the shower; I just put on the clothes I was wearing before because I was to lazy to actually find new ones.

I started to head back down stairs and saw that everyone was passed out cold.

"Yay, finally some peace and quiet," I whispered to myself.

I walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water, I was so dehydrated I downed the whole thing in less than 5 seconds.

I grabbed my favorite pillow and blanket and laid down next to Ian he was so adorable when he was asleep. Why do I keep thinking like this!!?

I snuggled up into my blanket and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I Need YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora