Chapter 1

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Hi guys this is my first book so there are most likely a lot of mistakes because I don't speak English well cause I'm kind of stupid :)
Please enjoy!! ;)
The picture at the top is Alex


My life is just like any ordinary teenage girl's. Except I don't have many friends, more like any friends, I don't have a boyfriend, both my parents are dead, I live all by myself because my abusive uncle didn't want to waste time taking care of me .

So he moved me to a completely different state, and I'm a black belt in martial arts, yup Imma badass. My name is Alex Reed and I am 17 years old.

When I woke up this morning something felt different, maybe it's because I have to go to a new school, but for some reason this morning just doesn't feel the same.

I wonder if something interesting might happen today?

I got out of bed to shower, the warm water rolled over my skin making me feel drowsy. Once I was done I went to go put on my outfit for the day.

I decided to wear a white crop top with my favorite ripped jeans and fuzzy socks. I put on some makeup on, left my long brown hair down and headed down stairs.

"Ugh, I don't want to go to school, being the new kid sucks," I whine to myself.

I grab my backpack, slipped on my white converse, threw on my favorite leather jacket and started walking to school.

The walk to school was awful, it was freezing! AND I MEAN FREEZING! And wanna know what else sucks, I live far way from the school.

When I got to school everyone was in their own little groups chatting away. I didn't care I just wanted to keep a low profile and finish the year without being noticed. I tried to avoid everyone and everything.

I didn't like talking to people so I just kept my head down and avoided everyone. But having my head down does cause me to bump into things... a lot.

So it didn't surprise me when my face soon connected with a rock hard chest.

"Hey watch where you're going you dumbass!"


Thank you for reading I really hope you enjoyed it, please keep on reading it gets better.

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