Chapter 6

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Picture of Jacob at the top

"Of course I don't have any food you idiot we just moved here!!" I said "we" so they don't get suspicious

This was a total invasion of my privacy. Just barging into MY house!! I mean this is ridiculous, I just want to be alone is that too much to ask?

"Hey, listen to me when I say this ok? Don't and I mean DON'T eat any of the food I have, I don't have that much so..." I looked up to see the boys starring at me stuffing their faces. Oh my GOD!!

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!!" I scream at them I am now officially pissed. That was the only food I had, and I sure as hell don't have money to get more.

I start to punch the one who had the most food in their mouth, that person was Ethan. I punched him hard, and when I say hard I mean HARD.

"OWWW!!! THAT HURT!! WHY DID YOU ONLY HIT ME?!" Ethan said angrily.

"It was suppose to, you idiot, and I hit you because you have the most of MY food in your mouth!!" I yelled.

Ethan raised his fist to punch me in the arm but then someone grabbed his arm. I looked up to see Ian holding his wrist.

"Dude don't hit a girl." He said sounding serious. Was he defending me?

"If you guys just came to eat all my food, you can just leave," I said getting angry.

"No, we didn't come here for the food we wanted to hang out with you com on don't be a buzzkill." Jake whined.

"You don't even know me! So stop trying to get to know me!!" I raised my voice.

"You seem cool," Jake smirked.

"Well I'm not... AHHHH!!" I replied then shrieked because all of a sudden I was grabbed by two people, and before I knew it I was hanging upside down, being held up by to people.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!!" I screamed, I looked up to see Ian and... JACOB!!

Wait, what the guy who didn't speak a word to me yesterday is now helping Ian to torture me!! WHAT IS HAPPENING!!


I kick out of there grip doing a flip and landing it, remember I am a black belt in martial arts. I stood up kicking both of them in the groin, making them fall down.

"Ow!! What the hell!!" Ian and Jacob say in unison.

"That's what you get for being an ass, ass!" I shouted back.

"Oww... that really hurt, damn you hit hard," Jacob whined.

I go over to the couch, grabbed my favorite pillow, and cuddled it.

"You guys are mean!" I pouted.

I bounced up a bit when Ethan and Ian jumped on the couch like wild animals, while Jake and Jacob sat on the floor with their legs criss-crossed like kindergarteners.

"I'm sowry Awex, we didn't mean to make you mad," Jacob said in a baby voice.

"Oh, shut up jackass!" I yelled.

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