Chapter 18

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"I knew it," the werecoyote repeats, the words coming out like a threat.

Lydia doesn't even flinch; she was expecting this to happen eventually. Applying some lipstick and checking out her make up on the small mirror she has on her locker, Lydia pretends to not even acknowledge the presence of the girl who, Lydia sees in the reflection, is a few steps behind her.

Lydia doesn't turn around and it only makes the coyote angrier. "What, you can't hear me over the voices in your head?" she provokes.

Lydia takes a deep breath and purses her lips. Fixing her hair briefly, Lydia shuts her locker and turns around. "Actually, I tend to answer to people who have manners, you know? But I think we can both agree that you're not one of them." Lydia gives her a challenging smile. "Hi, Malia."

The girl takes a step forward towards Lydia, but the strawberry blonde doesn't move away, just stands straighter. There are a few students in the hallway, far away enough from the girls to not hear what they're saying. They are probably anticipating some sort of a fight and Lydia can't help it. There are a lot of things she'd like to say to this stupid little bitch. "Did you need something?" she asks as sweetly and cynically as she possibly can.

"I knew you'd be all over him as soon as I'd broke up with him. How does it feel to have leftovers?" the coyote asks, defiant.

Lydia feels a little sick at the thought but she pushes the sensation aside. "Oh honey," Lydia crosses her arms over her chest and smiles again, "I'm not all over anyone, I'm not some wild animal." At the scowl Malia gives her, Lydia only smiles wider. "And I can't make if you are jealous or just stupid, but it's not a good look on you."

Malia shortens the distance between the two until she's right in front of Lydia. "His scent is all over you, I can smell it. Get away from him."

"Oh, I'm not getting away from anyone, especially Stiles. His ex-girlfriend, who technically hasn't been his girlfriend for almost two months by the way, just broke up with him. He could use a friend."

"And that's you?"

"Is there a problem if it is?"

"It's always you," she hisses. "Lydia this, Lydia that, we need Lydia, I miss Lydia, there's Lydia..." The werecoyote starts gesturing a little more exaggeratedly than certainly necessary. "I'm so sick of you. I don't even see the appeal. And you're always pretending to be smarter than everybody else and in the woods you'd die so quickly it probably wouldn't even be fun to watch." Malia smiles like she just said something she should be proud of.

Lydia, on her part, just runs one hand through her hair and fixes her dress. "Well, if you can't see the appeal you're probably blind. And I am smarter than most people, I don't pretend to be. But I guess that's something a dumb person would say..." Lydia doesn't even attempt to hide her smirk. "And we're not in the woods, darling. We're civilized here."

Malia growls again, still in a low tone but more ferociously than before. "I could easily end you."

"Oh, I'd like to see you try." The coyote may have claws and super strength but Lydia only has to open her mouth and scream to leave the girl on her knees. Still, she's not up for a physical fight. "But I have better things to do, so if you'll excuse me..."

Lydia walks past Malia with her head held high, her heels trotting on the ground leaving an echo behind her, mostly because the hallway had felt silent, now with some more people watching. Malia is not finished, however, and grabs Lydia's left arm, making the strawberry blonde turn around. Malia's claws are not only showing but also digging deep on Lydia's skin, but Lydia makes sure to appear unaffected even if it hurts like hell. Taking a step to the side so that she's blocking everyone's view from Malia's claws, Lydia smiles again. "You should know by now that you're not supposed to turn in public."

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