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Everyone is different. Everyone has their own story. No one's is exactly the same. This especially goes for me. I'd be pretty surprised and feel really uneasy if someone else's was like mine. I am a twenty-one year old girl, not what you'd expect around here though. Unlike 99% of the female population around here, I am both a lover and a fighter (as you can probably tell from the image above, the fighter part. That's me by the way). Since young, that's just how I've had to live. It's how I grew up. This is just how I get by. 

I am a wanted person. Not like, by the police, though I have been.... no no...no-- anyway I'll tell you about that another time. I am wanted by several gangs around here but I don't want to join one. Just because I can fight doesn't mean I want to, I mean, I like fighting... like a lot, but.... well, let's just say I'm a rather complicated person.

One day my whole life just seemed to have gotten fucked all the way up. I was going to the store after finishing my classes for the day. It was already late in the afternoon. I just needed a new toothbrush and some soap. I'm pretty low on cash right now but I can manage that much. I have to pay this months rent and my tuition so I can't afford to be wasting money right now.

I was walking when I was suddenly grabbed and silenced. I was dragged into an alley and then an empty lot. I didn't really struggle much since I didn't really sense that I was in any danger. When I was released I looked at the guy who dragged me here "Your hand smells like chicken." I told him and looked around at the other people around here. They looked separated, into groups maybe. I was standing in the middle of them both and looked at them. 

The ones on my right had bats and bronze knuckles while the ones on my left had nothing but their hands in their pockets. What the hell? Oh...geez, not again. "Did you really just bring a little girl into this? You pathetic ass losers" one of the guys on my left asked and I agreed with him "Why'd you drag me here?" I asked putting my hands in my pockets. One of them pulled me to the side and spoke with me in a quiet voice; a briefcase in his hand.

"You're her, right?" he asked me and I raised an eyebrow "the Serpent Slayer?" I sighed so it's 'Serpent Slayer' this time? Where are they coming up with these names? Just last week I was 'the Phantom Killer' I haven't even really killed anyone yet. I may have sent some to the hospital................many times....... would it be any consolation if I said it wasn't my fault? "And, if I said I was?" I asked him.

"We need a bit of assistance and happened to see you passing by"

"Say I was her, why would I help you?" I questioned.

"We'll pay you 50 million yen*" He told me opening the briefcase. I picked up a stack and checked to make sure it was real before putting it back. This is one of my many flaws. I will do just about anything for money. I rubbed the back of my neck and thought of all of the pros. Without realizing it, I had agreed to it. Damn this compulsion! He shut the briefcase and dragged me over to everyone else. I got a good look at my opponents while the guy who cut me that deal talked with his buddies. I sat down on the large pipes and watched as everything happened. 

"Are we gonna do this or not?" another guy from the left side asked. Suddenly those on the right charged at them and the battle began. Those guys i'm supposed to go up against seem pretty strong. They took down half of 'us' and a few of them fell as well; not many though. 

One of the guys from 'my side' walked towards me. "What's the matter? Need me already?" I asked as I stood up. "Alright. Fall back!" he told his companions and I stepped forward "damn, you guys are weak" I muttered looking at all of their defeated bodies spread across the ground.

"Alright. Let's get this over with. I still have to go shopping before they close." I said and got in my starting stance. I stood like that for a moment before lunging forward and knocking out all but one of them faster then you could say 'what'.

I turned back to my employers "can I go now?" I asked them brushing off my hands. I looked over at the guy who was still standing and he glared at me before throwing a punch that I dodged. I threw one at him, but he dodged. What the fuck?! We kept on going like that for a while and I glanced at the time on my watch, the store is gonna close in ten minutes. Damn it. Before I had time to notice, I was on the ground, on my knees. Wait a minute. I...lost? I looked closely at my opponent who glared down at me before running his hand through his hair and walking over to one of his unconscious teammates.

It took me a minute to snap myself out of the shock. I stood up quickly and ran towards my employer. I grabbed the briefcase and left the area the same way I came in. I was jogging down the street, four steps from the store when I fully grasped what had just happened and turned back. I ran back into the ally and back to the pipes where I sat. From there, I saw that everyone was still there and immediately dropped the briefcase. The guy that managed to knock me on my ass was squatting by his teammate, poking his face like a kid does to his friend that just fell down.

Once the thud was heard, he waited a full thirty seconds before glancing at me. He'd looked just in time to see me running towards him and delivered a flying kick right to his face. He went tumbling and tried to save it by landing on his toes, but he still fell on his butt. He wiped some blood from his cheek and glared up at me "I don't lose. We'll call this a draw." With that, I ran again, grabbing my money on the way and rushing to the store, having less than five minutes to get what I need.

In the end. I got there four seconds too late and had to go all the way downtown to get a single bar of soap and a single dark blue toothbrush. I mumbled and muttered swears and curses under my breath, irritated about how long i'd have to work and how much time I had to sleep, the entire time. Siiii~iiiigh! 


Lesson of the day: Be grateful for all the things your parents give you; especially if their life and yours is on a budget. Also, make sure to mooch off of your parents and close family as much as you possibly can while you're young!...Just kidding!!.........................



*Alright, well, if i'm not just talking to myself I would greatly appreciate some input on what you people, robots, aliens, furries and other things think about this, I don't even really know if I wanna continue with this, so your critique would really help.

*50 million yen = 446,000 USD

Thank you my favorite woodland creatures and goodnight!


Well, good morning. It's like 5 a.m. right now.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2017 ⏰

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