The End...?

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I miss her.
Is she alive?
Is she...gone?
Thoughts swirled in Kousei's mind as he rushed to the hospital. Kousei's breathed swirled in a puff as he ran, knocking over things (and people) in a haste. The hospital's door opened for him, and he didn't bother to talk to the front desk. He knew where her room was. Where she had her seizure."Yikes" he thought. He opened the door-

"KOUSEI!!" Kaori said "What a nice surprise." she said, as if bored by his presence

Kousei stared at her, and then his friends surrounding her "Could one of you not have told me whether she was ok? I thought she was dead!" he yelled, lecturing about the importance of life and death and the time he had spent in worry.

"Nice to know you care Kousei." Kaori laughed "Where's my canelés?"

"Yeah Kousei, you were supposed to bring chocolate for the girl, she's starving!" Watari said, smirking at his face

"You're her boyfriend though!" Kousei said ogling at Watari

"Yeah well about that-" Watari said hesitantly

"Shhh I haven't told him you idiot!" Kaori hissed at Watari. Tsubaki rolled her eyes, and, if possible, seemed close to crying.

The three friends stared at Kousei with different expressions on their faces. Watari looked kinda embarrassed, Kaori was covering up with a smile, and Tsubaki wouldn't meet his eyes.  "So is anyone going to tell me what the hell you guys are talking about?" Kousei said

"Eheh, we were just talking about how me and Watari had, well, broken up." Kaori said

"Eheh, we were just talking about how me and Watari had, well, broken up." Her words had rung in Kousei's ears "Well then." He said blankly. Tsubaki studied him, then suddenly ran out of the room.

| End of Chapter 1 |

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