A Teenagers Guide To Surviving

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This book is A compilation of real life events/stories teenagers face everyday and how they deal with these problems.It's sole purpose is to not only guide teenagers through these harsh years but to show them they are not alone.

Written for teenagers by teenagers.

Though I believe that all teenagers and tweens should be able to see each story I understand somethings may be a bit to harsh for some, so on the title of each chapter there will be a rating; PG-13, G, R 

submissions are still open:

If you are interested in submitting your teenage story please fill out this and email it to my business account. Your story will be posted in a chapter,if you don't feel comfortable sharing your name I will put it as anonymous

If you have questions please email them to me if they are short yes or no questions you can comment them.

My email is: hakuna.matata.xoxo3@gmail.com



Name:(username or real name only first name if using your real name) n/a


2 or 3 sentence bio about you: n/a


Content rating:


Your story:

Do you want your name used:

MORE INFO:Things you can submit

I just want to tell you that you can submit anything so don't hold back like, relationships,lgbtq issues, family problems, school stuff , self harm or just something funny that You think teens can relate to.Please try and keep the ending on a high note but you do not need to, I know its hard so if it hasn't come yet just say your still waiting for it.Just remember we are here to help.

A Teenagers Guide To SurvivingWhere stories live. Discover now