☼ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~ S A V E M E ☼

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"There's nothing for you here, really," Freddy pouted, "Trust me, I've been baking like mad but I live with Bonnie now and his appetite is kind of...Special?", Freddy worded carefully.

"What are you saying about me?", Bonnie asked from upstairs, making Goldie silent. Bonnie was walking downstairs as Freddy rolled his eyes.

Freddy turned to the casually-moody rabbit who was making his way downstairs. He then opened his mouth, giving him a straight face, "I said you have a great appetite."

"Speaking of my not-shit taste in food," Bonnie grumbled, putting the emphasis on 'Not-shit', aiming it at Freddy's preference to bland food, "I'm ordering some nice pizza, where's the number?"

"Kitchen," Freddy replied, turning back to Goldie, "So, where's Spring?", Freddy asked.

"Oh, he went out with Plush, I had to encourage him...But well...Plush wouldn't let me go!", He gritted his teeth angrily, "I can't believe that!?"

Why wouldn't he let him go? Something fishy was going on surely, just what? Both questions were in Freddy's head at this point, "That's strange...Maybe I should ring him?"

"No-No- I need to...Chill...", Goldie mumbled, playing with his shirt.

"Have you been okay recently? You look...Different?", Freddy tilted his head, eyeing Goldie's body. Goldie pouted and blushed, apart from more sex, what had gone on?

At this point, Bonnie came in and leaned on the sofa side, "What Freddy means to say is that you look a bit depressed," Bonnie rolled his eyes, being blunt as usual, "And you look like you've gained weight but honestly, it's hard to tell."

Goldie huffed, rude much? Bonnie was just going to point out the obvious, he'd done it ever since he'd left school. He hated the fact that people talked about him behind his back so he ended up becoming stronger due to it really. It was kind of a good thing if you looked at it in that light, "I'm just...Worried...And I've been eating way too much lately."

"What are you worried about?", Freddy asked, leaning back onto the sofa.

"Spring, obviously," He replied like a bratty teenager, making Freddy's expression drop.

"Goldie. Don't give me attitude," Freddy lowered his voice, making Goldie's ears droop low along with his head.


"Anyway, there's nothing to worry about, where did they go?", Freddy questioned, locking his hands together.

"I don't know!", Goldie whined, burying his face in his hands.

"I left some of those caramel bites in the kitchen if he wants them," Bonnie added, cuddling up to Freddy's side.

Goldie's head lifted up eagerly, he loved Freddy's caramel bites, "Where?!"

Bonnie scoffed at his sugar addiction, "Kitchen, in the fridge, top shelf."

That was when Goldie raced to the kitchen in a hurry, needing something sweet to calm his nerves. Freddy watched him worriedly, not much could make him like this but Spring of course...Freddy had known, ever since Spring had come into his life, he had trouble with keeping calm when he wasn't around him. Goldie, after all, was obsessive and not to mention bipolar.

"Can you believe Plush just took him out?!", Goldie ranted, "And like he even knows him! He left him in that shithole and I've known him way longer! And I can't even go!", He growled.

Freddy sighed and nodded while, on the other hand, Bonnie was finding it funny, "Not to mention him loving me as a child and now he hates me! He's ugly anyway!"

Golden Days {Springtrap X Golden Freddy}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя