☼ E I G H T E E N ~ F E E L I N G S ☼

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Spring's POV

Getting dressed had become easier now with a lot of the scars not being as fresh as they were before. Some were still red and large, massive gashes but apart from that, it was getting better.

I had gotten dressed with Goldie behind me, watching my every movement which I had guess was to check I didn't hurt myself. Goldie was also looking through the black bag that we had picked up from my mother's. I hated going there, sure, I remember things but I hated going there...

"What are you doing?", I asked him, watching him scan through my sketchbook as I grabbed the bag myself. Goldie smiled happily and looked at me.

"You're amazing," He squeaked like a happy child. I just shrugged and dug to the bottom of the bag.

"Thanks," I yawned again. I grabbed out the cute bear and threw it at Goldie's head, "I have a fun sized you with me for all times."

"But I'm better, right?"

I rolled my eyes, "Duh."

Goldie grinned and laid down, tapping the bed to signal me to lay by him, "I will, just give me a sec."

He rolled his eyes playfully, watching me get out my blanket. I sighed at the habit, Goldie still not knowing about it. It took me long to realise myself, but once I did, it felt awkward.

"C'mon, I just want a little cuddle...", Goldie begged impatiently.

"Sorry," I shifted, climbing into the spoilt next to him. I put the teddy down and the blanket was brought close to my chest.

"Don't be!", Goldie grinned, clutching onto him and pulling him into the bed. Spring laughed lightly and nuzzled him as a natural instinct. Goldie began to stoke my hair and yawn, clearly a little tired.

"Didn't sleep well?"

"I got nervous...", Goldie mumbled, "I didn't sleep all that good..."

"Oh...Sorry," I sighed back, hugging him back too with the blanket in my lap.

"Can I ask something?"

"Yeah, sure.."

"What's your attraction to that blanket...?", Goldie pouted, making me sigh, blushing a bit.

"it helps me sleep..."

"Oh, that's okay then," Goldie smiled, "I feel like ordering something tonight, like pizza or something. I've got the menu downstairs, I'll go order and you can stay up here," Goldie told me as he left the room swiftly.

I watched him leave and sighed then I sighed to myself, gazing down at the blanket and the little teddy bear. Again, more unwanted memories had flooded in. This had been happening ever since Christmas Day and I couldn't tell if I was joyous about it or whether it was bad.

Sure, of course, I wanted my memory back but maybe not all of it, did that sound a little too strange? Probably, but to me, it made perfect sense. I hadn't told Goldie for some strange reason...I'm not sure what it was, I guess I didn't want him telling me fake thoughts.

Remembering Goldie and thinking about the person he is so far, he would tell me what I wanted to hear because he cared so much about happiness and that was clear. I knew that my atmosphere would be unwelcoming in most situations but, around Goldie, it seemed to change. Another reason I agreed to date him.

Goldie's feelings were something that was unexpected really, it had me thinking: "How long had he been feeling like that?". Had it been before the accident? Since I started living with him? Or was it just the happiness of 'Christmas' as Goldie calls it.

Maybe it had been the moment from when we got in the car, with me staring at his hand wrapping around the gear stick, swerving around the road better than my mother could drive when she was sober. Perhaps I'd even had thoughts about a relationship before this and did it really hurt any of us when we kissed?

"Spring," Goldie called from the door, me jumping out of my thought and turning to him in shock, "I've ordered, it'll be about ten minutes," he told me, skipping over to me, "Hey, are you okay? You don't look too good...Are you feeling sick?"

I sighed and covered my face, I didn't know how I was feeling, perhaps I was sick. Not physically sick but sick in the metaphorical sense, "I don't know..."

"Can you breath okay?"

"I'm okay, I am," I breathed out shakily, "I just- What was going through your mind when you first....When we first kissed...? I'm just curious..."

Blushing brightly, Goldie gulped, "U-Uh...", He muttered out, staring down at me, clearly contemplating what to say, "Guess I-I was nervous..."

I raised an eyebrow, just nervous? I doubt that, " Goldie, I want to know everything...I really do..."

"Then...You have to tell me what you was thinking when I kissed you...", Goldie gulped, "So...When we kissed, I was nervous but I had a sudden adrenaline that made me kiss you. When you kissed back, I was so, so happy...You wouldn't believe it but I was terrified of your reaction...But now, I'm glad I didn't because I'm here with you now and where we are; I couldn't find anything better," Goldie admitted, I believed him, he sounded natural, he sounded genuine - He was honest, "Now, how did you feel?"

"I was shocked," I blurted out, "Shocked that I liked it and shocked that you'd kissed me...I don't recall anyone kissing me...I don't even know if anyone has kissed me before. I didn't really know what it meant but all I knew is that I liked it," I shrugged.

Receiving a pleasing look from Goldie, I stood up and pecked his lips gently. As if it was planned, the doorbell rang. Goldie sighed and then pouted, "Be right back," He huffed.

I nodded, watching him leave again. We both knew each other's feelings, we both knew that we liked each other, a lot of people would have said that this was easy, it was easy to see that we both liked each other but for some reason, I felt like we were missing something.

Golden Days {Springtrap X Golden Freddy}Where stories live. Discover now