☼ T W E N T Y S I X ~ C L Y D E ☼

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"He's going to be a dick to me, I just know it, Spring," I sighed, glancing up at the house, "He's never agreed with my choices and-"

"This is for Clyde, not for him," Spring told me, a hand wrapped around my back. I saw his point, it was true but how was I meant to completely blank out how my not-so-little brother hated me?

"I still care for Red," I sighed, "He's just so...I don't know...Classy?"

"And you are?"

"The inferior."

Spring rolled his eyes at me and laughed lightly, "Don't be bullshiting."

I just nodded and glanced at the window, Clyde was there, waving and smiling. He could brighten up everyone's day with his face. Sure, Spring done the same to me but Clyde just had that smile.

"Clyde seems nice," Spring commented on a brighter note.

"Oh, he is..."

The both of us got out of the car quickly, watching Clyde rush to the door and open it, "Hi you two," Clyde smiled.

"Hi," The both of us say in synchronization, Clyde inviting us in.

"Red's in work so it's just me, sorry about that," Clyde shrugged, leaving me at peace.

"That's good," I replied, not realising what I was saying but making Clyde scoff nonetheless. Clyde pretended to be innocent towards how much of an inconsiderate idiot Red could be towards select people. Me being one.

"Anyway, what do you want to drink?", Clyde asked, turning towards us.

"Um...We'll just have pop or something?", I shrugged, "We don't mind," I smiled, speaking for the socially awkward rabbit hybrid beside me.

Clyde nodded, "Sit down and I'll get drinks," and with that, Clyde left to the kitchen, leaving me and Spring to sit down and make small talk.

"I like this place," Spring told me, "Looks nice."

"Well- It would be, Red lives in it," I muttered the last part bitterly as I just had something against Red.

"He's so tiny," Spring mumbled, "He's adorable."

"Yeah," I sighed, "I mean- In the brotherly sort of way- Like a-"

"There's no need to justify yourself," Spring smiled, laughing lightly.

"R-Right," I stuttered, "Sorry- I just haven't seen him in long and you know what I'm like...I get jealous over everything but you're more rational," I smiled, placing a hand on his knee and him wrapping a hand around my waist, making me feel really comfortable.

Clyde came back in at that moment, placing the drinks on the table, sitting on the other sofa, "So, what's going on with you two then?"

"Well, Spring has amnesia," I told him bluntly, then realising that wasn't the best way to tell him but I did it anyway.

We watched Clyde's eyes open wide, "Seriously? Is it bad?"

"He's making good progress but forgive him if he- Well, he doesn't remember you," Goldie sighed.

"I thought his name was george," Spring told Clyde, looking at me. It wasn't like him to speak up but fair enough to Clyde, he had the most loving atmosphere.

"You didn't tell me that."

"Well I didn't like the name george so I just prayed it wasn't george and hey you got named after a medal, well done," Spring congratulated sarcastically. Okay, where did this confidence come from? Either way, me and Clyde both laughed.

"But yeah, he was in an accident and he was covered in scars- Like he wasn't before," I told him, sighing.

"Poor thing," Clyde cooed, "Shame as well since we were good friends."

"You can build that up again," I smiled, kissing his cheek, Clyde covering his mouth, about to spit of his drink.

"You're dating!", Clyde gasped, "I can't believe it!"

"Neither can I really," I smiled warmly, getting all fuzzy just talking about him, "And I'm his first."

"First in what?", Spring asked, giving an adorable expression.

"Well, first in kissing and other things," Goldie told me, "At least I hope with the kissing."

"Didn't you date that guy?", Clyde questioned, what guy? He better not mean who I think, "Black hair, tall, tanned-"

"Nightmare," I breathed out effortlessly. It was Nightmare. That was it. I hated him.

"Yeah, I remember you dating him," Clyde added on, making me feel a bit more upset.

"Ew," Spring added, "He's marrying my brother, you should've seen how happy he was."

"He was ecstatic," I grumbled, feeling like I wanted to smash his face in right at this moment. I was meant to be his first! His one and only! But no, Nightmare got in the way.

"I remember that Nightmare kissed you outside your house and I was just awkwardly on my phone, talking to Goldie," Clyde brought up, "He was really...Obsessed."

I'm still his number one fan.

"Oh, I'm sure he was," I smiled, pretending not to care.

"Goldie, sweetie, love, baby, cupcake, honey," Spring listed, "You're squeezing my hand and I don't believe you're carrying a baby."

"Oh?", I jumped and stopped, guess I was showing it in way, "Oh, the baby...", I mumbled, staring at Clyde's stomach.

Clyde was getting uncomfortable with it, I could tell from his movements. He kept on shuffling around and tugging his shirt.

"How far are you?"

"Two months," He replied, "I started telling people since- Well- I'm showing early," He sighed, "But we don't know if the baby will survive..."

"Why? Can I ask that?"

"Yeah...", Clyde sat silent for a minute, "The doctor said my age was fine, he'd seen many successful cases for my age despite me being young but my real issue is my weight."

"Your weight?"

"Remember how I had anorexia?", Clyde sighed, still speaking out loud though he was very touchy about this.

"You got over it?"

"Not really but I'm working with it...", Clyde sighed, "I'm eating, I am, maybe not enough but I'm having at least one plate a day and I only throw up in the mornings...Never on purpose!", Clyde defended himself.

"As long as you try," Spring added on, "You can't say you haven't done everything you can then."

That was true and I'm actually glad that Spring spoke for me. I wasn't sure what to say. All I know is that Spring was doing good due to Clyde smiling at him, "Thanks."

"What did Red say about the baby?", Goldie asked.

"Red? He was...Um...He was very happy and then we done stuff-"

"You had sex," I called on him bluntly.

"Maybe but still," Clyde smiled, "I got myself so worked up over telling him, it was like a drama series, you could have sworn."

"My life though," I commented, "Well, our life," I placed a hand on Spring's leg and smiled, "True drama with us to be honest, Spring and the accidents, me and Freddy-"

"Freddy and his beloved dictionary," Spring added in.

"Bonnie and his beloved food," I chimed in, making finger guns at Spring, doing the same back at me in perfect unison.

"I swear that you two are bonded by the brain," Clyde laughed.

"Oh trust me," I grinned, "We are."  

Golden Days {Springtrap X Golden Freddy}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz