The two younger Winchesters made their way out to the car and Natalie hopped into the backseat, leaning forward so she could rest her chin on her father's shoulder.

"Can we listen to Bohemian Rhapsody?" she asked, and Dean wrinkled his freckled nose.

"You want to listen to Queen on the way to your first day of senior year?"

"Unless you'd rather play the Panic at the Disco version than yes."

Dean rolled his eyes, but popped in the cassette tape nonetheless. "You're impossible."

The blonde grinned, pecking her father's cheek before settling into the back seat and grabbing her book out of her bag. "I get it from you."


"Where's Cas? I thought he wanted to say bye before I left?" Natalie questioned as her uncle climbed into the passenger seat.

"I don't know. We've been calling him since two days ago. No answer."

"That sucks. Should I try to call him?"

"You can. I don't think it would do any good though."

Natalie pouted slightly. "Oh well. I'll see him when I see him."

Before Natalie was 12, she never had any concept of the supernatural aspect of life. Dean had done everything he possibly could to keep her away from hunting. Even when John passed away at the hands of a demon, he told her that it was a heart attack that caused his death. He made the mistake of telling Denise about the hunting portion of his life and her life ended the same way his mother's did. Not to mention Jess, Sam's girlfriend from his time at Stanford, who didn't know anything about the Supernatural and still ended up dead at the hands of yellow eyes.

When he and Sam were out on "business," Natalie spent her time with Bobby and the occasional day with Jody when Sam and Dean needed some backup. As far as Natalie knew, her father and uncle were detectives for the local police department. She was completely in the dark. At least until Dean's lies caught up to him.

When Natalie first leaned about the supernatural, she was being held hostage in the basement of an old warehouse by a Djinn, causing mass hallucinations as the life was sucked from her. But she'd be lying if she said the world she was transported to wasn't incredible; she had her entire family. Her mother, her father, her grandparents, and her uncle. Everything was perfect. That is, until people started dying in her imaginary world.

People from her school, people from the local diner; everybody was dropping like flies. If it wasn't for her father rescuing her, she would have been next. Of course, at that point, it was pretty difficult for Dean to bullshit his way through this one. And out came the truth.

Not four months later, Dean was sent to hell. The first time.

After that, she demanded her uncle teach her how to hunt. She wanted to kill every last demon she could find for sentencing her father to such torture. She wanted to help find a way to get him back; she figured if she could talk about demons and hell in front of her family and not be considering a complete psycho, anything was possible.

Considering she was 12 when all of this was going down, she of course was just put on research duty. She didn't go on her first hunt until she was 15.

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