Chapter 14: The Stockyard.

Start from the beginning

I actually want to scream 'I'm here dumbass'. But I don't.

"Well-" I start only to be cut off.

"That's nice dear."

Anger boils inside me. That bitch didn't even let me finish!

I cross my arms over my chest and seal my lips closed.

"Hovercraft two is boarding. Hovercraft two is boarding." An automatic voice calls out.

"Come on, Johanna." Lila drags me by the crook of my elbow over to the platform where a few other tributes are waiting nervously.

They begin to board the huge silver hovercraft. I don't want to say it, but it's beautiful. The silver reflects everything around it and is cleaned to perfection. It looks brand new.

My feet start to walk over to the stairs in which will take me inside this metal monster.

"I'll see you there Johanna." Lila walks over to where all the other stylists are chatting. Not caring that their tributes are walking to their own death beds.

"Great." I whisper under my breath.

I'm at the foot of the stairs and I stand next to a peacekeeper.

"Arm please."

Obediently, I hold out my arm and she injects some pale purple liquid into my arm.

"What is that?"

"Sleep syrup with a tracker. The flight is a long time. Up you go now."

I being to feel drowsy as the syrup begin to get into my system. I feel my eyelids droop and my body turn slack before the whole world turns black before my very eyes.


"Cry Baby! Wake up!" An angry voice calls out, giving me a nudge.

I shoot straight up, leading me to bash my head against the chair. I look to where the voice came from.

Oh look. It's Bitchface.

I shoot her my middle finger.

"Could you leave in an orderly fashion please. No fighting just yet!" A automatic voice almost screams.

I slap my hands over my ears as I exit the hovercraft.

Some creep grabs my arm and I whip it backwards.

"Johanna, it's me!" Blight chuckles.


"Is Johanna Mason apologising? To me?" Blight feigns shock.


He rolls his eyes before taking me to another elevator.

"Let's go get you ready."

"How is Cade?" I ask, biting at my nails.

A freaking annoying habit that I can't break.

"Scared. How are you?" He replies.

"I'm fine."

He nods as I hear the usual ding. I climb out.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask Blight who shakes his head.

"Good luck Sunshine. See you in a couple of days! And by the way, I'm waiting for my hug once you win." Blight kisses the top of my head, gives me a squeeze before I'm escorted away by peacekeepers.

The corridors are dimly lit and the walk is long.

I bloody hate walking.

Soon enough, we reach a room where the peacekeeper opens the door.

"You have seven minutes before launch. Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour."

I walk into the room and Lila is sat on a settee with a glass of what looks like wine in her hand.

"Get changed." She throws her hand in a vague direction.

I search the room to find a box of clothes. I throw them on.

"Looks like your in a hot climate." Lila comments as I look at the outfit in the mirror.

It's an all in once piece with tiny holes near the arms and down my sides for breathing space. The outfit is white in colour and is snug on.

I look like a giant marshmallow.

"Three minutes!" A mans voice calls out from a speaker, letting us know I could be dead in couple of minutes.

"Well Johanna. You've been an okay tribute. I'll be sorry to see you die." Lila comments, reaching round me for a hug.

I throw my arms in front of me, pushing her away.

"Fuck off Lila. I'm not going to die. And bitch, I hope you choke on your wine."

"Two minutes!"

Lila's mouth drops open.

"Oh and Lila. Close you mouth, don't want to catch flies."

Lila storms off and out the door.

"Please get into the tubes."

My feet start to walk towards the glass cylinder that could take my directly to my death. I stand in the cylinder and the door shuts behind me.

"Good luck Johanna Mason of District 7. May the odds be ever in your favour." His voice calls out again as the plate begins to rise.

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck.

Oh fucking fuck fuck.

The sunlight streams into my eyes and the count down begins.

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