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01. What Cant Be Unseen.

"Rain poured down hard that night. And the smell of metal was in the air. If I remember anything about that night, its that smell. It smelled of something bad was to come. Living in SoCal in the suburbs, death was non-existent. However, that night in 2015 must have been a loophole, because finding my Father and mother with 2 bullet holes each in their head was something I would never forget not even if I tried--" Tears ran down Vaughn face before he wiped them again and spoke to Miss Cleo, his therapist of the last year and a half.

"My Parents was nothing, but nice. Only brought positive people around them. Hell, I got beatings up until they died if I got out of hand. Money was never an issue. My Dad own Brice Car Dealerships. Its about 15 around the globe and when I turn 18 all his shares and my trust fund will be released to me. Funny thing is if I was approached to give that all away I would just to have another dinner with my parents. The last year and a half without them has felt like a long stay at a summer camp. Oh how I hated those."

Miss Cleo wrote and asked, "Vaughn how does it feel like that?"

"Well, because see look I hated going to those things--" I chuckled and said, "Plus, I was the only black kid so I was like a damn sore thumb to those people. And my mom use to say V just think of it like a night alone in your room. And the day we come and get you it will be morning. That saying got me thru every summer from age 6 to 12. Losing my parents at 14 was crazy and I am happy to finally be released from here."

"I bet you are. This Group Home isnt for you. I know tomorrow is your 16 birthday, so we urged your Uncle to come get you today." She informed him. Vaughn sat up and exhaled, "Dont call him that. I never even met him."

"I know that, but he is your last living relative. We searched the entire globe and finally got a DNA match. He took a blood test a month ago and we got a hit. He lives in Miami Florida. His name is Cavian Brice. 31 years old. He should be here any minute, so if you would like to go pack your things and be ready when he comes will be great." She reached over and grabbed his hand and said, "This is a good thing. I promise and if anything happens you can call me directly." The two stood up and he hugged her tightly and whispered, "Im going to miss you."She chuckled as she rubbed his back.

"Oh how the tides have turned. I remember when you first moved in. You gave me a look and demanded that I dont even breath in your direction." She reminded the younger of the two and they both laughed. He replied, "Thats water under the bridge. I swear."

12 Hours Later.


The roads we rode that was unfamiliar to me

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The roads we rode that was unfamiliar to me. We was in a area I had never even seen before. Sitting in the passenger sear of my uncle Audi, I just had my headphones in and looking out the window. I havent spoken too many words to him. For one he looks mean as shit and the entire plane ride here we was not even talking as well. I looked over and examined him for a bit. He did look sexy. Shit, Im gay and every gay looks at men and see if they cute or not. What I hate when ugly straight boys think Gays want them. Get the fuck outta here. We gay we aint fucking desperate.

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